What a summer resident does not dream of a rich harvest! To himself more than enough, and relatives to please, and to friends was something to boast. And where does the harvest begin? That’s right, even a novice gardener knows about it — with good, healthy and strong seedlings.
The experienced have their cunning ways of growing it, the young adopt the experience. Fortunately, thanks to the Internet to find almost any information is not difficult. About how to sow seeds on seedlings, how much to feed and when to dive, there are many publications on our website. And in this material we will talk about stimulants and growth regulators, the use of which helps to get a strong seedling.
Faster, higher, stronger
Among the many tools for gardeners in stores appeared mysterious drugs, annotations on the packaging of which declare magical phenomena for any plant lover. Promise to improve seed germination and the ability to root cuttings, increasing the number of buds and ovaries and generally increase the yield several times.
The gardener as the child — has absolutely no moral forces to fight against such temptations. But not always the proposed drugs meet expectations. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what stimulants and growth regulators are and in what cases they should be used.
Stimulants, regulators and accelerators
To stimulate the growth and development of plants in several ways:
- effects on metabolic rate — redox reactions, respiration, photosynthesis;
- influence on the interaction of plant organs-synthesis, accumulation and movement of hormones produced by plants;
- the whipping speed of dividing, stretching, and cell differentiation — the process of rooting, budding, growth of ovary;
- increased resistance to the negative effects of the environment.
In the market of products for gardeners and gardeners today you can find three main types of substances that affect the speed of plant development, their resistance to stress, as well as increasing yields. These are plant hormones, preparations based on humic acids and complex biologically active substances. Let us consider them in more detail.
Humates are salts of humic acids formed during decomposition and humification of organic residues of plant and animal origin. The scientific substantiation of the positive influence of humic substances on the vital activity of plants was obtained in the XIX century, but the first to appreciate their advantages were the Egyptians, who used the annual flood of the Nile for about 6000 years.
In numerous laboratory studies of the second half of the last century, as well as in field experiments proved the stimulating effect of humates on seed germination rate, respiratory functions of plants and their absorption of nutrients. Although until now, soil scientists have not come to a consensus on the mechanism of the positive impact of these substances on plants.
Scientists note that industrial humates of potassium and ammonium have a more stimulating effect on plants than nutritional. That is, these compounds are valuable primarily as growth promoters. Humates optimize root and foliar nutrition of plants. In their presence, they better absorb phosphorus and metals in chelated form.
The General stimulating effect of humates on the growth and development of plants is particularly noticeable in adverse and stressful conditions: at low temperatures, high humidity or, conversely, drought, low light. And this is especially important and in demand in our risky agriculture. Scientists believe that in many ways the effect of humates in the body of plants similar to plant hormones.
Plant hormones
Processes in any living organism are subject to the action of hormones. The life of the plant is also controlled by organic substances produced by the green organism itself and serving to regulate and coordinate various processes — from germination of the seed to the separation of the ripe fruit from the branch. These chemical compounds are phytohormones.
It is hormones (growth substances) that cause the embryo to penetrate the seminal membrane with the spine and look out with the germ to the surface of the earth. All other events in the life of the plant are also painted initially, so on the package with seeds you can read that, for example, this tomato variety will tie the first flower brush after 6-7 leaves, all these brushes will be 6 and in each from 3 to 5 fruits. All this is programmed in the genetic code and the first flower brush begins to form already when the sprout under the action of phytohormones just unfolded cotyledon leaves.
Plant hormones scientists have identified, evaluated their role, learned to synthesize and apply to the regulation of the processes of growth and development of plants. Acting on the green body at the right time substance-hormone, you can enhance the natural processes. For example, to accelerate the growth of seedling roots or cuttings. This is especially true for difficult cuttings of plants and vegetables that do not tolerate transplantation.
It is no secret that there are cultures that are quite difficult to reproduce by cuttings, for example, some grape varieties. Soaking significantly increases their chance of awakening and building roots.
Also, this drug has a very beneficial effect on the seedlings of vegetables. The rapid development of plant organs shortens the period of vegetation (which is valuable for gardening in the climate of our country), increases the number of ovaries and the ability of the plant to develop them into full-fledged fruits.
Intervention in the genetically inherent nature of the plant development program — a complex and responsible process.
Complex of biologically active substances
Complexes of biologically active substances are balanced compositions of additives, including microelements necessary for plants, and several types of humates, fulvates and other useful substances. Such drugs are used to prevent diseases and maintain the vitality of plants.
For our green Pets, they are similar to biologically active substances in human nutrition: at low concentrations, these substances have high physiological activity against various plant organs. They optimize metabolic processes, improve the distribution and accumulation of nutrients. Complex biologically active substances help plants cope with stress (for example, after planting), resist adverse weather, diseases, pests and increase survival during transplantation or vaccination.
If the use of stimulants
Summing up, I want to note that in practice growth stimulants can be divided into two types: additives that create favorable conditions for the disclosure of their own life potential of plants (humates, complexes of biologically active substances), and indeed accelerators — plant hormones, which can be compared with doping in athletes. Should I use them and what to choose? To answer this question, I think it is better to test the effect of stimulants on plants on their own and make their own conclusions.
Just keep in mind that stimulants and accelerators are not used to replace traditional methods of growing plants. Their use will not relieve the gardener from sensitive care of green Pets — providing quality food, sufficient heat and light, protection from diseases and pests. This is a way to make your plants faster, hardier, more productive — a kind of school of Olympic reserve.
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