Today we are going to enjoy exclusively with red tulips. There are a lot of them on the Parade, but none of the varieties was deprived of the attention of visitors. And this is understandable: red tulips are not only surprisingly good in themselves, but also in compositions with other flowers look luxurious. These are real favorites of may and indispensable participants of the annual spring flower exhibitions.
Red tulips look spectacular on the same bed with white ones. The same combination can be repeated in the curb. They can make charming contrasting and nuanced combinations with vÃola × wittrockiána varieties. Against the background of small-flowered Muscari, Puschkinia, Galanthus, their flowers will look even larger and more spectacular. Great duets are obtained with blue Myosotis.
If there is a sufficient quantity of one or another variety, you can plant them in a group. If there are not many bulbs of the cherished variety, do not worry: even a few red tulips can put accents in the spring flower garden.
And this is not all the advantages of red tulips. But before you go on a trip to the flower beds with fiery and scarlet flowers, let’s remember why we generally love and appreciate the charming representatives of the Liliaceae family.
Advantages of tulips
There are many of them, but I will try to list them all. So:
- tulips do not require protection from frost;
- perfectly tolerate even harsh winters with little snow;
- do not require regular watering;
- do not need supports;
- they are not afraid of wind and precipitation (only large Terry varieties can lie down from heavy rains);
- gorgeous in the spring songs of the open ground;
- many varieties are suitable for distillation;
- beautiful in the cut;
- bloom for a long time;
- they easily tolerate annual transplants;
- bulbs are convenient to store and transport;
- many varieties are easily propagated and reach maturity quickly.
We will pay special attention to the advantages of red tulips. Varieties with flaming flowers are special: defiantly beautiful, catchy, hot, bold-the leaders of spring flower beds:
- these are seasonal dominants of flowerbeds, borders, rockeries;
- they create bright contrasting combinations;
- from tulips of various shades of red (as well as with a white, yellow border on the edge of the petals), you can make a lot of great nuanced compositions;
- when using varieties with a variety of flower shapes, planting will turn out to be even more interesting.
Well, now it’s time to present to your attention the red varieties of tulips. The introduction will be accompanied by interesting and useful tips.
It is important to buy quality healthy bulbs and plant them in good soil in time.
The optimal time for planting tulips in the middle lane is the second half of September. In the South, this period is extended until December.
The optimal soils for growing tulips are considered to be well-treated sandy loam and loam.
Neutral and slightly alkaline are preferred; acidic, with a pH of less than 7, are unsuitable for them. The latter lead to the desired indicator by adding slaked lime, dolomite flour or chalk.
It is good when the chosen place for tulips is flat, Sunny, protected from cold Northern winds.
It is absolutely unacceptable to have depressions where water can stagnate, which will lead to soaking and freezing of the bulbs; in such places, the tulips will get sick and degenerate.
For tulips, the best precursors are considered to be perennial herbs, legumes, row crops and vegetables.
It is better not to plant tulips after bulbous and tomatoes, asters that have common pathogens and pests with them.
You should observe the timing and correct dosage of feedings.
It is necessary to weed in time, often pulling out weeds manually.
Be sure to dig out and dry the bulbs every year. In rainy summer, when the leaves remain green for a long time, the optimal time for digging will tell the stem. As soon as it becomes so soft that it can be wrapped around your finger, the bulbs are dug out.
Excavated bulbs are well treated against pests and diseases.
One of the most frequent diseases of the Tulip is considered to be gray rot. When it is detected, it is important to collect and destroy plant remains, cull diseased bulbs, and then change the planting site annually. Before planting, it is good to etch the bulbs.
The same measures are effective for Fusarium, typhoid, and white rot.
Against Tulip bulbous aphids, plant treatments before and after the end of flowering are effective.
Drying of bulbs contributes to the formation of high-quality buds.
But don’t forget: tulips age over time, and the more luxurious they are, the faster the process. Therefore, if your tulips have become smaller, and their flowering is less friendly and abundant, then it’s time to buy new bulbs.
The most interesting class, especially low, planted close to the garden paths and high — out.
On heavy soils, grow tulips in containers, garden vases.
Do not forget that for Terry tulips in containers, the food should be more intense than for simple ones.
Feel free to compose single-color red varieties.
Do not plant one bulb of each variety; tulips look more spectacular in groups.
At the end of our fascinating journey, you will be asked traditional questions from the author: do red tulips decorate your cottages? Which of the varieties presented in the article did you like the most?
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