Small architectural forms in the garden do not take up too much space, but the benefits of them are huge. And most importantly-they are able to quickly transform the suburban space.
In the pursuit of harmony and dreams of perfection, you want to improve and decorate your favorite garden endlessly, creating your own little Paradise, a sweet idyll-a place where the soul will always strive. And there is nothing better than small architectural forms for a wonderful renovation of the suburban space. These are objects and structures that “make” the garden: pavilions, benches, gazebos, bridges, fountains, pergolas, arches and many other objects. They have no equal in terms of the wealth of possibilities of decor, these are real lifesavers!
Small architectural forms can be called ” garden designer — – they allow you to implement almost any idea and at the same time achieve stunning visual effects. And it is not necessary to look for insanely expensive exclusive designs. If desired, any standard piece of decor can be turned into an art object. Or, taking as a basis already “living” in the garden objects and giving them a new “sound”, add new-and “picture” on the cherished piece of land you wonderfully transformed, caressing the eye and giving peace and tranquility. And then the dull economic unit as if by magic will turn into a cheerful house!
For “reincarnation” will need window frames: you can take the old or make of suitable size slats. Having painted in bright or pastel (depending on the chosen style) color and having strengthened them on walls, we will receive overhead “Windows”. Complement the styling hanging in the “Windows” small pots with flowers, herbs, mini-peppers or tomatoes. To complete the image, decorate the Windows with “curtains”, which will cope with the role of ordinary vinyl lace napkins.
And here’s another extraordinary idea on the subject of Windows: they will become an expressive accent of the country canopy, but will be placed… no, not in the walls, which are not here. Brightly colored picture frames hang on ropes around the perimeter of the canopy, in the openings between the supports – that’s cute “Windows” are ready!
A wood-burning stove can be disguised by lining its walls with natural or artificial stone, and as a material for the roof, use reeds or straw — this is an option for a garden in the style of “country”. Classic style requires more restraint: plastered and painted walls, roof-of the same material as in the main house.
Magnificent “frame” for small architectural forms — plants. Interesting and unusual look different types of landscaping from different sides of the structure. For example, decorate one wall of a gazebo or a summer house with traditional vertical gardening, and hang many containers with bright annuals on the second one.
Tip: instead of pots for basket plants, take hanging organizers-pockets of oilcloth — and flowing “flowerbeds” will look original and fresh.
Enchanting and another option — double landscaping, when the background of the main vertical second layer fixed hanging pots and baskets with plants. Or place individual colorful plants, mini-beds or flower arrangements in modules made in paving at the foot of the canopy or garden pavilion.
Applying the technique of “decor + decor” (in the language of experts-combining the ideas of architecture with the ideas of gardening), you can achieve stunning results! For example, try to design a small household unit or a well as a miniature “estate” with all its attributes, flower beds, and this landscape novelty will “play” in the garden, will become its highlight.
The Japanese stylization of an ordinary canopy consists of a green “roof” formed by grapes, hanging ropes of hemp and a bamboo trunk tied in several places with a rope. Wheel of a cart and a yoke — the decor is appropriate for decoration in a country style.
Tip: these same objects can also act as supports for plants — for example, elegant buckets with flowers and vegetables on a rocker are extremely organic.
If the soul asks for something completely new and non-trivial, use the technique of creating architectural hybrids. These are garden designs of an unusual kind, combining several functions. For example, not just a patio area, but a platform with a non-standard canopy. Not an ordinary gazebo, but a multi-level podium with openwork walls. Pergola-barbecue, podium-canopy, bench-pergola, bench-trellis-all not to list.
Well, perhaps the most attractive architectural hybrids, especially for small areas, are garden chill-outs, or places to relax. As a rule, it is a podium or a wooden flooring (low or high), combined with a “couch”, a canopy or a pergola and a mobile resting place: a hammock, a suspended chair or a bench of a bizarre shape.
Tip: for flooring suitable boards, pre-treated with antiseptic, or decking (wooden tile modules), both coatings can be laid independently.
Garden chill-out-the object, though small, but composite, thanks to him it seems that the country ownership -” without end and without end”, and places of rest here a lot. This “optical illusion” is explained simply: several cozy corners and objects are combined in the chill-out.
Any architectural hybrid is an individual and unique design, so you can not buy a” standard version ” in the store, you need to create it yourself.
Tip: it is better to “collect” a hybrid of simple components that can be purchased separately.
It remains only to combine, to make together all the details, in the end to combine them all in a single style — and before us a complete object!
The most popular and enjoying the same love, the representative of small architectural forms – garden furniture. It sets the style of the whole garden, so the creation of this art object should be approached thoughtfully. There are many varieties of gazebos: from impressive buildings designed for 8-10 people to mini-options-just for one “visitor”.
What size?
Determining this parameter of the “house”, proceed from what it will serve and how many people at the same time can become his guests. Keep in mind: it is better to plan a large area than then huddle in a cramped space.
How to choose a place?
Be guided by two criteria: beauty and practicality. From the Windows of the object should open a spectacular view, and access to it must be as convenient as possible. Important: do not put the gazebo in the direction of prevailing winds and in the coldest place of the garden. If the front area does not provide outdoor areas or patios, place the “house for conversations” here, but it is better to place it on the podium, elevation or at the highest point of the site.
How to make out?
The gazebo is located in the garden, among natural landscapes, so the optimal decor for it will be living plants: trees, shrubs, flowering and decorative perennials.
Artistic stylization of the gazebo is another idea that is fascinating to implement. Let your garden pavilion “reincarnate” in a fabulous hut, hunting Lodge or a small Villa.
Want to save?
Choose a budget and comfortable design-stretch gazebo. It is stationary: the frame is installed on the Foundation or concreted on the site, the walls and roof of waterproof fabric are stretched in the summer and removed for the winter. Or collapsible, it is mounted when needed.
“Living” gazebo. This building of rare beauty will not leave anyone indifferent. However, its creation requires time and patience. Usually such an openwork design is small in size, in shape resembles a hut or a seashell and is woven from young willow branches.
Important! Weaving should begin immediately after cutting the twigs, so that they can easily be given the desired shape. From below, the ends of the branches remain free: after treating them with a solution of the stimulant of root formation, safely plant in the ground. When the branches take root and begin to grow, the “gazebo” will gradually become covered with foliage, becoming greener and more beautiful.
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