Whitewashing of trees is an important agricultural technique that helps to maintain the health of the garden. Modern cottager in this case received a considerable advantage over the growers of the last century: today, the stores offer a variety of ready paints that are specially designed to handle trees.
However, not all of us can keep up with the ever-increasing prices for such goods, which, though facilitate suburban activities, but break through a significant gap in the family budget. Therefore, many people prefer to whitewash their garden the old-fashioned way – to prepare a mixture of economical products. Fortunately there are a large number of folk recipes.
The main components of the mixtures for whitewashing
Before you start to conjure over a bucket of water, adding to it the ingredients specified in the recipe, it is necessary to understand what function this or that component of the whitewash mixture performs. This will greatly simplify the cooking process and allow you to use those products that are currently at hand. And most importantly, you can always change the composition of the mixture on your own, adding to it only those ingredients that your garden will need in each case.
Slaked lime
Slaked lime is perhaps the most important component of the homemade mixture, because it allows you to simply paint it white. Whiteness is not necessary to give the garden an aesthetic appearance, as inexperienced gardeners believe. The whitewashed trunk and lower skeletal branches (the basis of the tree “skeleton”) will reflect the sun’s rays and will be reliably protected from burns.
Such protection of horticultural crops in particular need of winter and early spring time, when devoid of leaves, protected from direct sunlight in summer. That is why “scientists minds” urge us to focus on autumn whitewash garden and repeat the procedure in late winter or early spring.
An alternative to lime can be chalk, which also allows you to achieve a snow-white shade of the working mixture. In addition, this natural product has softer properties compared to lime and is the most suitable option for whitewashing young trees. Gypsum sediments are washed away faster from the bark than the purchase whitewash paint, so chalk is less reliable assistant.
This natural product gardeners include in the mixture to give it viscosity. With this approach, the solution will not drain when working on the ground and securely fixed to the bark. In addition, the mixture on the basis of clay due to its viscous consistency will act as a kind of putty for small cracks and damage in the bark, closing the gate to pathogens and harmful insects.
Fungicide, which is part of the solution for whitewashing, acts as a preventive measure against fungal diseases of trees. And if the garden plantations in the past season were affected by any disease, the presence of such a drug in the composition is required – it will consolidate the effect of the previous therapeutic sprays.
Due to its low cost and a wide range of actions in this case comes to the fore copper sulfate, which is present in many whitening mixtures as the main disinfecting component. Alternatively, you can use another fungicide. The main thing to consider the rate of its consumption specified in the instructions.
Different types of glue in the mixture act as an “adhesive” and allow to extend the service life of the whitewash layer on the bark of trees, protecting it from moisture. For these purposes, use casein, carpentry, Wallpaper.
As a substitute for glue, soap can be used, which also allows to achieve adhesion of the solution to the bark of trees. Soap is more gentle in comparison with glue, but less reliable.
Some gardeners use ordinary soap, which is rubbed on a grater and thoroughly dissolved in solution. Other more caring companions allowed in the course of special green soap, which acts as a insecticide and fungicide. And the third replace both with usual flour paste.
Many of these solutions present cow dung. This natural product adds viscosity to the solution and promotes better adhesion of the mixture to the surface of the trunk and branches. In addition, manure has antiseptic properties and effectively disinfects the tissues of trees, and also acts as a fertilizer, feeding plants with useful elements through the bark.
Carbolic acid
In autumn, garden plantations are whitewashed not only to prevent sunburn, overheating and frost, but also to protect against rodents: voles and hares do not like lime and chalk plaque on the bark. Carbolic acid enhances the effect, its strong smell does not allow rodents to approach the garden plantations.
Milk and whey
Dairy products used in the composition of the whitewash mixture, in conjunction with other components increase the adhesion of the solution and extend the life of the whitewash. In addition, milk and whey inhibit pathogenic microflora present on the tissues of trees, and protect plants from fungal diseases, at the same time feeding them with useful compounds.
Recipes for whitewash mixtures
Independently preparing whitewash mixture, it is impossible to connect these components and to exceed their consumption rates it may cause burns of woody tissues, especially in young trees. To do this, it is necessary to get acquainted in more detail with the most popular compositions of solutions for whitewashing, which have long been used by experienced gardeners.
- Composition 1. On 10 l of water take 2,5 kg of lime, 500 g of copper sulfate and 200 g of joiner’s glue.
- Composition 2. 10 liters of water will require 2-2.5 kg of lime, 300 g of copper sulfate, 1 kg of clay and 1-2 shovels of manure.
- Composition 3. In 10 liters of water dissolve 2.5 kg of chalk and 10 tablespoons of flour paste.
- Composition 4. On 8 l of water take 1 kg of manure and lime and 200 g of copper sulfate.
- Composition 5. In 10 liters of water diluted 2 kg of chalk, 400 g of copper sulfate and 100 g of casein glue.
- Composition 6. On 10 l of water take 2 kg of lime, 500 g of iron sulfate, 1-2 shovels of manure, 1 tbsp. spoon of carbolic acid and ½ bar of soap.
- Composition 7. On 9 liters of water you need to take 1 liter of milk or whey, 2-2.5 kg of chalk, 1 kg of clay and 100 ml of green soap.
When preparing the working mixture, it is necessary to thoroughly dissolve all the components in water so that there are no lumps left, the consistency should be like sour cream. If necessary, add “adhesives”, and the emphasis should be on clay, but with the glue you need to be careful – too much of it can clog the pores of wood fabrics. In addition, when whitewashing young trees will need to halve the dose of components specified in a particular recipe, so as not to burn the aggressive substances of their delicate smooth bark.
Do not neglect such an important agricultural technique as whitewashing trees. After all, this simple procedure will significantly increase the resistance of plants to adverse weather conditions, diseases and pests and help to maintain the health of the garden for many years. A mixture prepared according to folk recipes, though not as durable as the finished whitewash paint, but will show no less efficiency and significantly save your budget.
Dear readers, what kind of mixture to paint do you use on your site, store — bought or home-made? Share with us in the comments proven recipes whitewash solutions.
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