Flowers are beautiful in themselves, but still a decent frame will not hurt them, no matter where they grow — in a room, on flower beds or in hanging planters. The last placement option is now experiencing another surge in popularity, and this is understandable: hanging mini-flower beds definitely look original, plus they do not take up useful space. Seedlings of petunias and lobelia are already growing up, and there will be no need for ideas of unusual hanging planters — look, evaluate, choose!
What I like about such ideas is their double practicality. First, you do not need to spend money on buying planters. Secondly, old things sent to the shed or to the attic for overexposure before the landfill, miraculously turn into quite worthy garden accessories. Well, let’s see what of our stocks can be adapted for an unusual planter?
Plastic bottles and cans
A truly universal material for cottages: furniture and greenhouses are made from them, fences for beds and drip irrigation systems and garden crafts. How could savvy craftsmen ignore hanging planters? Here are some examples that everyone can do.
If such a simple product does not attract you, pay attention to this idea. Provided that you are not afraid of the planters in this form, hang it boldly: the reaction of the guests may be ambiguous, but it will definitely not remain without attention.
The idea is not new: we have already admired the mini-flower beds arranged in boots and boots. But it was a long time ago, suddenly you managed to forget about such an unusual decision? This is especially true for those who have small children: the shoes are still almost new, and the leg has already grown…
Bags and baskets
I don’t know about you, but I have a decent collection of all kinds of colors and sizes stored in my attic, if desired, I can decorate the entire fence around the perimeter of the plot! And the second row to hang school backpacks, they also accumulated quite a lot. It is a pity that hanging planters in principle are not suitable for my climatic zone, because I really liked the marigolds in the orange purse!
Do you like it, is it beautiful? You can enhance the effect by raising all unnecessary bags to the rank of planters. Or sacrifice your favorite straw basket-shopper — as a garden accessory, it will be irresistible.
If desired, you can arrange the containers (especially those designed in the same style look beautiful) not horizontally, but vertically. It is very practical: it will be possible to place three times more plants on the same amount of area.
It also happens like this: I liked the idea and it does not work out to implement it — well, there is no extra bag! Maybe someone will stop such a trifle, but not us — won’t we be able to build charming purses or baskets from what is at hand?! For example, these are.
Tin cans
Fortunately, they come in different volumes, so it will not be difficult to find the right one. A minimum of paint, a little time, and soon your site will sparkle with bright colors. Perky polka dots are almost a win-win print for a summer garden planter, and everyone will be able to draw them.
Fans of a laconic style will surely like containers painted in a calm color, without any frills. For a vintage country house interior, rust-touched jars are the best fit. And no one will forbid lovers of romance to depict a whole bouquet of flowers on a tin pot and, in addition, decorate the edge with lace.
Pipe trimmings
Compact multi-tiered flower beds or beds are quite realistic to equip in scraps of polypropylene pipes, of course, of a suitable diameter. Having refined the unpretentious plastic with a good paint, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result — it will be almost impossible to recognize pipe trimmings in stylish containers.
Car tires
Smart summer residents have many ways to use them for household needs, so why not allocate a couple for the decoration of the site? A brutal planter with delicate flowers is an interesting combination.
However, the harsh appearance of the former car shoes can be softened a little with soft colors. For example, a white tire on the same wall looks like a decorative element, somewhat resembling stucco. Another great technique is to choose a paint to match the flowers. It seems to be the same tire, but it already looks nice and interesting.
Made of natural materials
Natural wood and living greenery are an impeccable duet. I find it difficult to determine which of the two options I like better, but I would not refuse any. I believe that the boxes on the photo on the right are not furniture, but decorating them with a pen is a great idea.
Planters in the form of false windows captivated me with their beauty-I want! So what if they are in the shade, they will have to be watered three times a day and only the most hardy plants can be placed in them, the choice of which is small? If desired, everything is solved!
Birdhouses with green roofs look unusual — and the birds are worse than us, let their house be beautiful! If the birds did not appreciate your good intentions to introduce them to progress and stubbornly fly around modern housing, put plants in the bird house, they will not object.
But a fabulously successful solution for using waste after pruning is all in the matter! The skills of weaving will not hurt, but you can cope with the task without them, nothing complicated. Look at the photos — are these planters made by the hand of a master? Not at all, but how good they are!
Coconut planters are somewhat reminiscent of kokedama, don’t you think? A budget option (the shell is still thrown away), they look very original, durable and eco-friendly. The only drawback is the minimum size range.
If you were not going to grow lagenaria, it is quite possible that you will change your decision now. Just look at how good it is as a garden planter!
Chandeliers and lanterns
The lampshades of the chandelier seem to be specially created for flower pots, so it is simply blasphemy to throw away a well-deserved lamp! See how luxurious an airy flowerbed of several flower islands looks!
For fans of miniature compositions, there is also a nice solution: unpretentious succulents will grow in a minimum amount of soil!
Kitchen utensils
Do not rush to throw away a leaky kettle, it will still be useful in the garden. Of course, not everyone will like such pots, but every idea will find its like-minded people and followers. I liked the sky-blue veteran of the tea business: the time marks do not spoil it at all, rather they add a kind of charm.
Metal funnels for bottles are always asking for his company. In my opinion, they will look wonderful next to each other!
Unfortunately, we could not find a photo of a rusty colander: the trio would have turned out well! But colorful metal sieves are also good, don’t you think?
As I think, under the planters, you can adapt any containers in which a flower pot will fit — cans, jugs, pots and others. Naturally, it is better not to take completely dilapidated products: a fragile bottom (and corrosion usually begins its destructive march from it) is not safe for plants that will be put in them.
With a certain skill, even ordinary glass bottles or tea pairs can be adapted for planters.
I was touched by the composition of succulents, comfortably settled in an old manual meat grinder. I could not determine the purpose of the container in the photo on the right, but it looks great as a planter.
Watering cans and buckets
Watering cans are so good as hanging containers for flowers that many summer residents do not want to wait until they become unusable. Apparently, the combination of white, red and green is one of the most harmonious, since the compositions in this color scheme are the vast majority.
All kinds of buckets, of course, are also in demand. An important role is played by the volume of the product, in which you can put a roomy pot with several plants, and the choice of types is richer than for a funnel or a meat grinder.
In general, it is worth checking the contents of the shed properly: suddenly, some suitable container is waiting for its release in the far corner?!
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone from the summer residents has a similar jewel of the last (or even the century before last), inherited, gathering dust in the attic. Why not keep the cages, because it used to be fashionable to keep a finch or a goldfinch in the house. Well, now they will have a more pleasant mission — to bring floral beauty to the world.
Those who have not been gifted with such an exquisite inheritance can use an alternative option: there are inexpensive cells in stores.
And again I have to finish the story with an effort of will — it is impossible to show all the beautiful, cute, spectacular variations of the voiced ideas. And I really want to see the hanging planters that decorate your gardens and verandas as soon as possible. Will you show me?
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