One of the most popular elements of landscape design, some time ago won the hearts of gardeners and our suburban areas — lawn with short-cropped green grass. To grass cover consistent with the status of the owner and served as a decoration, it is necessary to constantly take care of: watering, fertilizing, and without a lawn mower can not do. Cutting grass will be much nicer if the mower is equipped with some additional features. And what exactly we now tell.
How to choose a machine for cutting grass in the country
The most important useful function of the lawn mower is, of course, to facilitate labor. After all, the ideal beauty of the parterre French lawn or resistance to trampling English lawn can only be obtained by constant mowing. Some landscape designers believe this statement is a historical stamp, the other really is recommended to cut the grass every few days — then disputes can be mass, the soil is fertile. But now it’s not about that, but about those useful features that can make a haircut more pleasant. Let’s begin.
1. Adjusting the cutting height
“Why change the height of grass mowing at all?”— the first question that arises from the buyer, carefully studying the technical characteristics of its future assistant. But why… Lawns are of different types, for example, sports made to cut very short (30 mm), so that they create a hard coating, resistant to trampling. For the average suburban lawn the preferred grass height of 40-50 mm. That is, if you have a plot there is a Playground, grass, and the lawn in front of the flower bed — the adjustable height feature will definitely come in handy.
The most popular are considered to be rotary lawn mowers (with a knife/knife or fishing line, rotating above the surface of the lawn). They adjust the height of the haircut is easiest, and some models allow you to mow the grass quite high — it will be interesting to owners of Moorish lawn with flowering plants. There are two ways to adjust the mowing height depending on the model:
- manual. To do this, you will need to Unscrew each wheel and reinstall it in a different hole. This type of adjustment is usually done on affordable household models. It requires stopping the car and turning it over. Also, models with manual adjustment of the wheel axle level have a limited choice of height options — most often they are less than 3.
- mechanical. Produced by turning the lever. The position can be changed on all four wheels at once or individually. The operation does not take much time and can be performed without stopping the engine, literally on the move. This feature is equipped with professional devices and premium models. As a rule, units with this method of height adjustment have a greater number of variations in the height of the haircut — in the range from 20 to 120 mm. Electric lawn mower Denzel 1400 W allows you to set the height of mowing grass in five positions: 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mm.
To reel mowers the height of cut is also adjustable, but in smaller limits. They can cut grass lower than rotary, and that is why they are used for sports lawns — there “in fashion” very short haircuts (up to 30 mm). But these models are not suitable for those who can not constantly monitor the height of the grass and periodically allows the lawn to “grow”.
2. Collecting grass
Mowers can do different things with cut grass. The first option is simply to scatter the grass leaves through the pipe sideways or backwards. This is not very convenient, because after mowing will have to thoroughly equip the rake.
In the second case, the cut grass falls into a special container — grass collector. Its capacity will depend on how often you have to interrupt your work to throw away the contents. Hence a simple rule: the larger the grass collector, the better. Its volume is specified in liters: the grass collector on 30-40 l (the lawn mower Denzel GC-1500) is quite enough for an average six-flow garden with a small lawn.
Grass collector is plastic, fabric and fine mesh. The latter is convenient because through the transparent material you can monitor the filling and make timely “pit stops” in the process of mowing.
3. Mulching
From the grass collector, a wise gardener moves the grass into a compost box or uses it to mulch the beds. Another “advanced” method of disposal of cut grass — mulching of the lawn. This feature will reduce the cost of fertilizing the grass. And a miracle! There are lawn mowers with mulching function, which further grind the mowed grass and immediately scatter on the surface of the lawn, that is, you simultaneously mow the lawn and mulch it.
4. His move
Not all vehicles that have an engine, move themselves, as we would like. In some models, the motor only rotates the blade. Therefore, if you fundamentally do not want to push the lawn mower, you should choose a self-propelled model. Pay attention to this at the stage of purchase, then not to bite your elbows. Self-propelled lawn mowers are rear-wheel drive, front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive.
5. Handle height adjustment
This function is very simple, but it is extremely useful when mowing the lawn alternately engaged in different family members. Adjust the height of the handle (lawn mower Denzel 1000 W) in such cases is very useful. Trifle, it would seem, but nice! And if the handle also develops, then the price of such a lawn mower will not. Models with folding handles are more convenient to carry and store — they take up less space.
6. Quick launch
Another interesting feature that all electric models have is the quick start of the mower at the touch of a button. Now this gardener is not surprising, and some time ago she met not always, so mention it for the sake of historical justice. Gasoline lawn mowers still can not always please with fast start — up-they have to pull the trigger cable in the old way.
7. Width
The second important parameter is the coverage area. It depends on the size of the cutting element of the lawn mower. This factor should be taken into account when choosing the optimal model for the proposed or existing lawn. Manufacturers often specify not only the size, but also the recommended processing area for a particular unit.
According to experts, for a grass plot of 3 acres is enough lawn mower with a width of 32-33 cm (electric lawn mower Denzel 1000 W). By the way, among the spindle models there are special machines with very narrow drums — they are used for curly mowing lawns. But this is a special story, we do not need to cut the monograms on the lawn, so choose the width of the capture more.
We have listed seven key features that will not be superfluous in a lawn mower. All of them in one way or another make life easier for the gardener, making his work on caring for the green lawn more pleasant. What additional features does your mower have? And how useful were they in practice? Share your opinion in the comments.
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