The closer the winter, the less work remains in the garden and vegetable garden. But even in late autumn, summer residents do not have time to rest: having determined the storage of this year’s harvest, they are taken to lay the foundations of the future. The work may differ slightly, but the goals they pursue are about the same: to prepare the soil for planting next year (dig, fertilize, improve the structure, increase fertility), to destroy as many pests and pathogens (they had already hoped that the danger had passed, and plunged into sweet hibernation until spring).
Over time, and I have developed a certain list of tasks, the implementation of which falls on the late autumn: as a rule, with all the desire I can not cope with all the gardening work before-still growing, flowering and many fruits. Here and now on beds peppers and eggplants still ripen, trees stand with foliage, and the forecast does not promise decrease in temperature even in two weeks. Well, I’ll take advantage of the stale heat to my advantage!
Ambulance your soil
I have already mentioned that my land is low-lying, hence the endless problems. The year before last, summer and autumn rains turned my garden into a pond. Which this dry spring quickly became a swamp – a real one, with the incessant trills of frogs, ringing clouds of mosquitoes and the inherent aroma of such reservoirs. And then came the heat and the dryness – we hadn’t seen a good rain all summer. And the garden became a desert of salt.
Trees (almost all) not weathered such tests. But I’m not going to give the soil to the weeds! To deliver a good land I have now is not possible, but there are other ways to remedy the situation, for example, to sow the green manure! By the way, I like this idea even more, and it’s not just about saving the family budget. It is almost impossible to get good land now: they will bring working out either from greenhouses, or from city flower beds. I don’t want it for nothing, and they’ll take a lot of money for it. Green manure is another matter, they certainly harm the soil will bring. The only thing that confuses – the area to be sown. I can not say that nature has deprived me of skill: I can sew, and knit… but sow-not mine. A row or two of carrots or parsley I can master, but to the whole garden! No, and I will not try, it will still be a waste of time, effort and seeds. Perhaps, without an assistant I can not do: looked inexpensive, but a good seeder.
Than it attracted me personally: first, it is useful for not only sowing of green manure (which I plan to do regularly), but also turf grass, fertilizer. And any of these works will be done much faster and better than in manual execution. Secondly, modern materials from which it is made, almost immune to ultraviolet light (of course, specially expose it to the sun is not worth it, but if you forget on the bed or lawn once or twice – nothing terrible will happen), and frost (for the winter, you can remove the unheated room). That is, the strength of plastic parts Spartan storage conditions will not affect. And this, in my opinion, is a big plus: garden equipment should remain reliable even in difficult field conditions, and serve faithfully for more than one season.
Autumn tillage
Before me, the question of choosing a method of cultivation of the land is not worth it-only digging. Without it, the earth is compacted so that only hardy weeds grow freely on it. And they don’t. However, I always liked to dig up the garden. And manually, quietly choosing the roots of Elytrigia and Sonchus, enjoying the singing of birds and the warmth of the autumn sun.
The main thing is that there is no hurry, and the presence of a good shovel is necessary: an unsuccessfully chosen tool is able to negate all the charm of the moment and completely discourage manual labor. Of course, if you start to fall from fatigue after an hour of work, what autumn delights can we talk about?! One thing you will dream about-how to quickly cope. And the shovel for my site really strong is necessary – how many cuttings I broke, how many cloths bent-not to count! The search for a suitable tool lasted for years, but no applicant could withstand field tests. So I had to dig with care, so as not to mutilate another shovel of tin, and constantly keep a file at hand – to sharpen the blade.
And recently I happened to help a friend, and it I finally found that so long and unsuccessfully searched for a great bayonet shovel! Oh, how good it is: comfortable, sharp-apricot roots (about 1 cm in diameter) cut effortlessly, only a slight crunch stood. This is exactly what I need, I can not do without a bayonet shovel: dig-it, dig a landing hole-it is also, humus on the grid to sketch – I can only bayonet.
Pleased with the material from which the cloth is made-rail steel-the tool does not need to sharpen after every five minutes of work. Anyone who has had to deal with a bayonet shovel, will confirm how important the sharpness of the edge: a dull canvas-a generator of physical fatigue and a test of the strength of the nervous system.
Treatment against pests and diseases
I would like to do without it, but alas – does not work.
As something so request, that not many bother themselves struggle with pests and prevention diseases plants, so and moreover and another on district in surplus. I prefer preventive spraying with biological products, and I keep powerful fungicides and insecticides in reserve – in case of an emergency. However, in the autumn I treat trees and the soil around them with iron vitriol. Awareness of the usefulness of the event always spurs my enthusiasm, helps to tolerate the monotonous monotonous work. Therefore, the first sprayer in order to save money was purchased downright tiny-a capacity of 5 liters.
I realized the depth of my mistake on the first day of processing the garden: the endless interruption of the process for refueling and pressurization is not a test for the faint-hearted. After the third time, my good mood began to fade, and the need to constantly rearrange the stairs, climb and descend it spoiled it completely. But the main reason why I decided to stop working immediately-the ends of the branches remained unprotected, I just could not reach them. From the failed treatment, it was concluded that a completely different apparatus was needed to care for adult trees. Like this sprayer, for example.
The developers have worked hard on its design, providing many important factors for the work. First, the tank capacity of 16 liters-do not have to constantly jump from the stairs to the bucket with the solution and back. Secondly, the length of the hose (3 m) for the complete treatment of most garden crops will be enough. Well, such pleasant additions (handle with anti-slip coating, retainer for continuous watering and others) I would in no way attributed to the little things. Work in the garden can and should be easy and pleasant, the main thing is to choose the right equipment.
Harvesting of cuttings
While we are still warm, but you need to prepare for work in advance: count the right number of cuttings, look for suitable shoots, check the sharpness of the blade (if necessary – sharpen) garden knife. By the way, if you do not have such a useful tool-be sure to look at it carefully, it’s worth it. For example, all the characteristics I like folding garden knife: stainless steel blade, comfortable wooden handle (if possible, always choose wood, not plastic). I can not imagine how I could do without it before: for harvesting cuttings, a garden knife is definitely preferable than a pruner – the escape tissues are not deformed by the compression of the blades, the cut is perfectly smooth, without bullying. They are very convenient to clean the edges of cuts and wounds, suitable for trimming unnecessary live shoots, cutting flowers.
These are the tasks I have to master in November. But I do not worry: when the soul is to work-it is argued, and if the assistants are chosen correctly – with any task you can manage effortlessly. Do you have any gardening work planned for the end of autumn?
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