- 1. Ringing congratulations to the neighbors ;
- 2. Find a cucumber on the tree ;
- 3. Smash the grenade ;
- 4. Give a cobblestone ;
- 5. To change the name;
- 6. Wear red underpants;
- 7. Jump into a new life;
- 8. Pack your bags ;
- 9. To burn the goat ;
- 10. Drop the opossum ;
- 11. To Arrange Takanakuy ;
- 12. Immerse yourself in the holiday with your head;
Every year, 31 someone makes funny snowmen, goes to the rink or throws everything and goes to the mountains-to sum up the year and ski. And someone runs to swim, like Brazilians and Australians.
Every family, city and country has its own new year and Christmas “chips”, but today we will talk about the most unusual and even strange. So, how can you (not)traditionally meet your favorite holiday?
1. Ringing congratulations to the neighbors
We make our own friends, we make our own enemies, and only our neighbors are from God. So it’s a sin not to wish them a happy New year. And you don’t have to walk into their house like an insensitive deer after the twelfth toast. You can just heartily beat unnecessary dishes on the neighbor’s door, as do the Swedes.
To do this, they collect all year cracked plates and cups with broken handles – because the more fragments will remain at the door, the greater the mountain of luck will smile at the neighbors in the coming year.
2. Find a cucumber on the tree
The Americans claim to have adopted this amusing tradition from the Germans, and in Germany they say that they have never heard of it. Anyway, it exists: before Christmas, adults hide a toy cucumber on the Christmas tree, and in the morning children run to look for it. Whoever finds it first gets a separate gift and the confidence that the year will be happy for him.
They say that before instead of glass on the Christmas tree hung ordinary pickles – but this is probably for adults.
3. Smash the grenade
In Greece, on New year’s break ripe pomegranate fruit on the threshold or on the wall of the house. Pomegranate has long been considered a symbol of luck and fertility among the Greeks. So the more grains scattered around the yard-the better will be the year.
4. Give a cobblestone
And another Greek tradition: going to visit on new year’s eve, in addition to gifts and gifts, you need to take a stone with you – and the more, the better. To the master’s purse the entire year was as heavy as you have presented us with a rock.
5. To change the name
The people of Micronesia have come up with an original way to confuse evil spirits who want to interfere with their happiness and wealth. Every New year they change their names and tell them in each other’s ears-well, if someone is still banging on the tambourine: then the spirits will not hear exactly what someone’s name is now. However, they will find out in a year anyway, so next year it will happen again.
In General, with 1 January call me… not I’d say as.
6. Wear red underpants
In Italy and Turkey, it is believed that the New year should be met by all means in red underwear – it will bring love and good luck.
7. Jump into a new life
Danes and residents of other European countries climb on a chair and literally jump into the new year. This way they attract good luck. And some believe that they also ward off evil spirits. Depends on how you jump, I guess.
8. Pack your bags
Colombians and Ecuadorians on new year’s eve grab suitcases and cut circles each on their own quarter in the hope that not a year will pass, as the most desired journey will come true.
9. To burn the goat
For residents of the small Swedish town of gävle is the main symbol of Christmas – Ellebogen, or Iliski goat. This is a huge straw effigy, which is installed in the main square. But local vandals have their own tradition: they consider it a matter of honor not to let the goat live until Christmas and regularly destroy it. Over the past half century the unfortunate Ellebogen a total of 12 times was able to wait for the holiday.
Every year in December, the whole country is intrigued, and bookmakers even take bets – will the goat be able to resist or once again fall victim to Pyromania.
10. Drop the opossum
In the American city of Brassown, clay County, North Carolina, on Christmas eve, catch a possum and then in the midst of the fun lowered it from the ceiling in a transparent box decorated with tinsel and garlands.
Brasstown at this moment happily scream that their city is the world capital of possums. But it is unlikely that this pleases the animal, although the organizers swear that they lower it as carefully and carefully as possible. However, this year, it seems, the shop will be closed. And correctly will make-really in the USA there are no toy opossums?
11. To Arrange Takanakuy
Since pre-Hispanic times, Peruvians have been throwing out the accumulated tension of a year in the most uncomplicated way: in a fight. Every new Year in the Peruvian Andes, the takanakui fistfight festival is held, the name of Which is translated from the Quechua language as “when the blood boils”.
Hot Peruvian men and women first from the heart Polish each other’s festive faces, and then together perform a ritual dance.
12. Immerse yourself in the holiday with your head
Everyone can do new year’s diving or surfing in the warm ocean (there would be money and equipment). But to dress up a Christmas tree in the icy waters of lake Baikal and lead dances at a depth of 10 meters, when the street is -20, can only really cool Siberian Santa Claus and snow Maiden.
For the fourth decade Irkutsk divers celebrate the New year in such an extreme way. And neither the wind, nor the waves, nor the bitter cold can force them to break the tradition. Because as you will meet New year, so you will spend it. Happy New Year!
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