Decoupage mood
I don’t know who invented this technique, but it was definitely a genius person. Judge for yourself: thanks to simple manipulations with paper and glue, ordinary things turn into non-trivial products.
According to the masters who have mastered this technique, decoupage is a chance to give a second life to your favorite things. And it really is! Moreover, you can use not only napkins, but also fabric.
Don’t be afraid to take the first step. As practice shows, this decorating technique is easy to master. But there is also a “side effect” — after the first successful experience, there is an irresistible desire to transform everything and everything!
It’s hard to resist the temptation when so many great ideas haven’t been tried yet. Perhaps such pots will fit perfectly into the interior of the living room…
When your creation is ready, do not forget to cover it with varnish so that the drawing is not afraid of water, dirt and the sun.
You can also take a swing at creating a retro pot. Pots stylized as vintage ones must have some minor flaws — rust stains, scuffs, scratches, cracks and other traces allegedly left by time. It turns out that it is not difficult to make such an original decor. I wonder if you’re ready to try?
An interesting trend in decoupage pots is the use of photographs. You can, of course, put the pictures in a frame and hang them beautifully on the wall. But after all, the pots are much more original!
Romantic mood
How to quickly and costlessly give the interior a light touch of romance? Yes, it’s simple — beautifully decorate flower pots! Elegant fabrics, lace, braid — everything will come in handy.
Are you familiar with the macrame technique? Then it won’t be difficult for you to repeat one of these charming ideas.
Finally, the collection of succulents will look decent. It is almost impossible to find decent pots for these crumbs!
You can make a temporary decor — just stick a ribbon lace on the pot. If you also cover it with varnish or paint, dust and water will not bother him.
I managed to find ideas exclusively in soft pastel colors, but if bright colors are more suitable for your interior, why not conduct an experiment? Perhaps a rosemary or ruby lace pot will look much cooler than a snow-white one.
Perhaps, for the first time it is better to take a cylindrical planter. It will not be difficult to paste it over.
With a little practice, you can switch to containers of more complex shapes. By the way, almost any fabric will do for decoration.
A wonderful way to transform flower pots! It will take a cord, glue and quite a bit of time.
If desired, you can decorate the pots with a pigtail or symbolic handles.
Or — seashells (oh, how nice it was to collect them under the sound of the surf!).
Here are some more cute options for every taste. And you probably already have an imagination, throwing up one idea better than another.
These ideas are a little more difficult to implement, but not so much that you refuse to implement them. In my opinion, the order of work is clear without a description.
Twine made of natural fibers looks, of course, very impressive. But if it is not there, you can always find a worthy replacement!
Almost jewelry work — mosaic
Mosaic planters are so good! Words cannot convey — I’d rather show you.
I have studied the theory thoroughly. But it hasn’t come to practice yet, I just dream of beautiful garden planters.
For something like this, my skill is unlikely to ever get enough… However, I will not give up on my dreams ahead of time, it’s better to admire the creations of real masters together with you.
Two of the most tender romantic planters completely charmed me. And it doesn’t matter that they are made either by novice craftsmen, or deliberately simple. Looking at them, I seriously thought that it was time to punish numerous relatives to bring me broken cups and plates.
Mosaic is a universal material, you can depict anything.
Quite often, pieces of tiles are supplemented with decorative stones. Or even use them as the main material.
The mirror mosaic looks very impressive.
Stone Age
In principle, the tile can be replaced with pebbles — it will turn out no worse! The pot, of course, will become heavier, but much more stable.
Small stones are also suitable for decoration.
Sea gifts
Judging by the number of different ideas, seashells are very popular as a finishing material.
Sometimes they are supplemented with artificial pearls. No beads — paint small shells with mother-of-pearl paint or at least nail polish.
Experienced craftsmen make extremely interesting compositions.
For the decoration of outdoor planters, shells are an ideal material, since they are not afraid of the sun or rain.
The coloring of the finished product will give an interesting result. And if there are enough pieces of glass polished by sea waves in stock, why not use them as well?
And everything else
Fairy houses on flower pots are a fabulously wonderful idea for both the garden and the nursery.
The choice of materials for decoration is almost limitless. Sea sand or plant seeds — how do you like such ideas?
A button planters decorated with beads looks very cute: elegant. And all sorts of stuff — at least original!
There are many beautiful planters in the shops. But there are none that we can make with our own hands, and there will not be. The conclusion is obvious: you need a beautiful pot — get down to its decor!
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