Independent, handsome, a fighter moles and mice, affectionate and grateful Pets are our cats. They are generators of comfort, to communicate with them interesting and enjoyable. Summer cottagers their shaggy friends, of course, take with them, taken to nature, where they plenty of frolic in the summer, remember hunting habits — in General, nice and spend time. What to do if the habits of the pet begin to go against our desires?
It’s about the fact that cats have their own opinions and views on the use of great tracts of land that we call patches and flower beds. How to discourage cats from places they are not intended? Consider different options.
Garden and vegetable garden
Your home Princess can be arbitrarily clean, thoroughbred and intelligent, and at the same time choose a fresh warm bed (where you, by the way, just sowed carrots) as a couch. At best…
Brushwood, branches
We all know that cats have soft, sensitive paw pads. Dry firewood, spread out on the beds, will discourage all desire to walk on them or to meet their needs. If you still have raspberry or gooseberry branches after pruning, it is even more effective, as they are prickly.
Mulching is a useful agricultural technique that helps the gardener in the care of plants. Unfortunately, most types of mulch cats like. For example, they will not refuse to lie on the soft hay, dried lawn grass, small chips, sawdust, compost. But if you fall asleep planting coniferous litter, the cat will prefer not to go there — pricks. A similar effect is achieved if you cut fresh fir branches and spread between rows of plants. Bumps — another uncomfortable kind of mulch for mustachioed-striped.
To protect young plants from attacks in some cases, pegs help. The height is chosen experimentally, but, as a rule, it is not less than 25 cm. Personally, I had to literally fight for the right to have a beautiful juniper Bush: incoming cats chose it as a good place for “chat”. The cat tags were updated regularly, while the Bush turned yellow and faded.
Not only had to stick the pegs, but also to pull around conifers mesh, so the cats could not come. It is important to correctly calculate the distance from the grid to the Bush, so that cats, on the one hand, could not get to the target, but are unable to get inside the fence.
Our shaggy Pets are very sensitive to smells, some attract them, others are extremely unpleasant. It is possible to set up “defensive tactics”. Aromas of citrus for cats is disgusting. For defense, you can use essential oils, decoctions and simple crusts.
Orange essential oil is enough to drip along the beds. If you have it has a framing of boards directly on them — so it is quite a long time. A decoction of the peels of citrus can be shed paths between the beds — cats won’t like it either. Spread peel on a window sill, near the door, on the garden table you will discourage cats from these places. However, the crusts dry out, become less fragrant and then do not work, you have to change them.
Oddly enough, mustachioed-striped do not like the smells of lavender, rosemary and lemongrass and try to avoid places where there are these plants or their flavor. Disgusting to them and Ruth. Another odorous repeller — vinegar. They spray or wipe with a damp cloth places forbidden for cats.
Adhesive tape
Cat brothers in the majority will not go or will not climb where sticky. If you do not want cats to sit on your windowsill or garden table, try to fix it on a sticky tape (wide tape) adhesive side up. Jumping where you should not, and a little stuck, the cat will understand that it is unpleasant and, perhaps, dangerous. For a while (it all depends on the nature of the four-legged) your property will be left alone.
Industrial facilities
It is impossible not to say about all sorts of means of industrial production to adjust the behavior of animals in apartments. According to many summer residents, they practically do not work on the street. I myself, desperate, tried to use an inexpensive tool for cats after the neighbor’s cats brazenly began to mark not only the entrance doors, but also the Windows on the first floor of the house, as well as the “apron” in the summer kitchen. Money and effort were wasted.
Before the start of the warm season, the cats begin to understand that all this fuss with the soil, seedling containers, and the like causes them genuine interest. It is necessary to remind Pets who is the owner of the house.
It happens that understanding can not be achieved. Then you can use the tricks described above. For example, grease the edges of seedling tanks with citrus essential oil or vinegar. Palisade of sticks around the plants will not allow the cat to lie comfortably on them.
If this does not help, you can arrange a barrier on the approaches to the windowsill. Yes, when watering and other care will have to remove the fence every time, and then return to the place, but the seedlings will remain unharmed.
Or maybe Vice versa?
Let’s think about what our Pets like, where they feel most comfortable? For the administration of natural needs put the cat in a sandbox: it is likely that she will choose her, not the bed. And to “tell” where to go to the toilet, put a little used filler from the home tray.
Not far from the sandbox you can plant Catnip. Your cats are sure to find this attractive plant and will often come to lie next to him, to chew the leaves. I, however, faced with the fact that my cat had a hard time: once in spring the green shoots, the cats immediately come, rubbing against them, lie on top of, so that the stalks can’t rise up and bloom. What can I say, no wonder the name.
Undoubtedly, Pets often cause harm to our landings, but we know that they are not evil. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your beds, of course, but also to take into account the interests of those who are tamed, it is also necessary. And how do you find a compromise in this case? Share in the comments your ways of peaceful (or not) coexistence with cats and cats in the garden.
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