A fence is a necessary thing: it will mark the boundaries of the site and protect the territory from uninvited guests. Ideally, of course, it will also decorate the landscape by itself — but such an ideal usually costs a lot, so many summer residents choose unpresentable, but budget fences made of chain link or profiled flooring. Is it possible to make a fence inexpensive, but beautiful and original? You can!
After looking at this selection, you will see that craftsmen manage to build fences even from waste material — brushwood and scraps of branches. Like this, for example:
With such a fence, you will forever forget about the problem of waste disposal after annual pruning in the garden, because the fence will need to be regularly increased by adding another portion of “building material” from above when the previous one settles.
One significant disadvantage of the idea: it will require a lot, a lot of branches. Don’t have such stocks? It’s okay, we’ll find another solution!
Wattles — rural classics
If we are talking about fences made of branches, there is no way to bypass the well-known and very popular wattle fence.
By the way, did you know that it can be not only horizontal, but also vertical?
For my part, I will only add that when choosing a material for construction, it is worth thinking not only about the aesthetic, but also about the practical side of the issue. So, for example, a fence made of birch poles looks very colorful, but it is unlikely to last long:
Although, on the other hand, take a look at what interesting fences with arches are obtained from thin long (and probably short-lived) branches:
If there is not so much material, and you want a fence higher, you can simply lift a narrow strip of fence above the ground:
Or make a fence of several such horizontal strips placed at some distance from each other:
Well, for those who still think that the fence is suitable exclusively for a simple rural garden, it is worth looking at the following photos:
Or these:
Of course, the implementation of such ideas will require knowledge and skills, this craft will have to be learned. But as a result, your garden will get a real designer fence made of improvised materials, and you will have a new exciting hobby.
The wattle that grows
The disadvantage of many fences is their fragility. Thin branches are destroyed quite quickly, and the structure has to be regularly updated and repaired. How could this be avoided? And that’s it:
If you use branches of plants that take root well and are easy to form (for example, willows), you can grow a unique living fence by weaving and shaping it according to your plan.
Undoubtedly, this is not an easy, time-consuming undertaking. Such a “living fence” will require constant care, maintaining the form of plantings. But what is the result!
And are there simpler solutions, not so troublesome? Of course!
Variations on the theme of the stockade
From thin, but not very flexible poles, which are not suitable for a fence, it is easy to make a fence resembling an ancient stockade.
For its construction, it is enough to intertwine pegs in two or three places with a strong wire and fix the resulting sections on posts dug into the ground. And from very thin rods to make a mobile decorative fence, which is easy to roll up and move to where it is needed:
If an ordinary stockade seems too boring to you, make a fence frame and fix stakes on it in a more bizarre way — everything depends only on your imagination and skill, because it will be more difficult to assemble such structures:
Finally, simply fixing the poles at an angle is also an option. Just don’t be lazy to peel them off the bark anyway — this will not only add neatness and attractiveness to your fence, but also make it more durable.
Speaking of durability. A good and correct idea is to treat a fence made of branches with a modern antiseptic for wooden structures. Such compositions protect wood from atmospheric influences, fungi, woodworm beetles and thereby prolong its use.
“I made it out of what it was,” or Stylish driftwood
But what if, instead of smooth and smooth trunks, crooked branches and driftwood turned out to be at your disposal? If the beauty and durability of the structure are not important, of course, you can build something in a hurry from them:
But you must agree, such a design with neat flower beds or a well-groomed vegetable garden somehow does not really go together. That’s much better:
And the slight carelessness of such fences even has its own charm:
Undoubtedly, such a fence will not suit every site, it will be most appropriate in a typical rural or “natural” garden.
However, you can also make a very stylish fence out of driftwood, if you try hard — carefully choose the material and think through the composition well.
See what magnificent fences are obtained if natural materials fall into the hands of real masters:
Fences and gates, arches and pergolas made of affordable — in fact, throwaway — material look very attractive:
And also — and this, in my opinion, is very important — each of these structures is individual, unique, different from the others.
And if the fence is involuntarily associated with rural life, then fancy fences made of branches and driftwood can take us into a magical, fairy-tale world…
The gateway to a fairy tale
Fans of fantasy and just romance, I think, will appreciate these ideas. Maybe, from a practical point of view, they do not stand up to criticism, but they make an impression, don’t they?
It seems that behind these gates opens a forest in which elves live. Or maybe gnomes?..
But such a fence, probably, can be at the possessions of a fairy-tale villain:
It’s scary — already creepy!.. And it’s easy to do, even a child can handle it. It remains only to find a suitable corner in the garden where the fairy tale you created will come to life…
Successful combinations
Amazing results are brought by combining ordinary branches, twigs and driftwood with more “solid” materials — metal or concrete.
So the use of “waste” material in the construction of a fence can be not only a forced measure, but also a conscious design decision.
And how do you feel about a fence made of branches, wooden stakes or driftwood? Would you like one for your site?
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