Our children love not only to play and communicate. They have us-small personality. And, like all personalities, they need a closed space where they can retire, dream, play adult life and even… sometimes cry. If you have the opportunity to build a children’s house in the country with your own hands, it’s worth doing.
House for kids from 2 to 6 years
We will build a simple wooden house, but you may well ennoble its beautiful coloring, carved shutters, trim, imitation chimney and so on.
Dimensions of the house: 1, 7×1, 7 m around the perimeter and 2.5 m in height, which is enough for kids 2-6 years of age. For its construction we need:
- 4 sheets particle board size 2×1, 7 m;
- for walls: 13 bars section 2, 5×2, 5 cm, 2.5 m long, 8 of which are made with one pointed edge;
- for floor supports: 8 bars section 2, 5×2, 5 cm, length 35 cm;
- for fastening the floor horizontally: 4 boards section 15×5 cm, length 2 m;
- for flooring: 13 boards section 15×5 cm, length 2 m;
- metal corners, screws, screws, brushes and paint.
Site preparation and flooring
- Arm yourself with pegs and twine, mark a suitable area of 2×2 m.
- Carefully level the surface and tamp the pad.
- At the corners of the site dig a hole depth of 20 cm, strengthen the wooden bars there so that they rise above the surface by 15 cm.
- In the middle of each side of the site (around the perimeter) make another 1 hole, strengthen their additional bars as well as corner. It is not necessary to cement. Check the height of the supports carefully, because we make the base of the floor of the house, and distortions are unacceptable.
- Then you need to nail to the supports 4 boards. We’ll get a box open from the top.
- On the box, close to each other, put the Board, secure with screws.
Walls for the house
- Take the sheet particleboard size 2×1, 7 m and two pointed beams 2.5 m long. Screw the bars to the two sides (2 m) of the sheet particle board. The upper ends of the boards should be flush with the edge of the sheet of particleboard, and the lower (pointed) to speak at 0.5 m. This will be the first wall of the house — deaf.
- In the same way it is necessary to make 3 more walls, but in two to saw apertures for Windows, and in the third — for a door. Can be done and one thing window-on your choice.
- On the construction of the walls you will have 8 pointed bars and 4 sheets of particleboard. The size and shape of openings for doors and Windows do at its discretion, it is desirable — wider to the house was more sun.
- Then it is necessary to fasten walls among themselves by means of metal corners and screws, without allowing cracks and gaps.
 Roof for house
- Take 4 bars, cut them from one end at an angle of strictly 45°. By the way, it is not necessary to make a high roof, you may well cut the roof bars to the height you want.
- Pairwise seal between screws 2 beams, so that between them formed a right angle. You will get 2 triangular structures for the base of the roof. The inner joints of the triangular bases of the roof secure metal corners.
- Then attach one corner of the bars to the front wall of the house (where the door is located) and mark the triangle in order to close the space between the wall of the house and its roof. After careful measurement, saw this part with a hacksaw. Do the same on the opposite wall of the house.
- Then fasten the triangular supports of the roof with a cross beam — the frame is ready.
- Attach it with metal corners to the walls of the house.
- Cover the roof with laminate, thin slats, plywood or other material — at its discretion. Maybe you still have pieces of colored slate, shingles-this material can be safely put into business to cover the roof.
- Then paint your work with bright colors (optional).
- The children’s house is ready to accept its little owners.
Build this simple structure can be in one day, and special skills in construction it does not require.
Wooden house for children from 6 years
But the second version of the children’s house for games is more difficult, here you will need an assistant, and more time.
For the construction of such a children’s house with your own hands you will need the following materials:
- for rafters: 8 bars section 10×10 cm, length 3 m;
- 60 boards with cross-section 2×10 cm, length 2.5 m;
- 50 boards with cross-section 2×10 cm, length 2 m;
- 2 wooden slats 2 m long;
- 5 slats 70 cm long.
Laying the house do as it is customary for carpenters.
- Zapilivaem upper ends of the rafters at an angle of 30°, add them in pairs.
- Join the rafters of conventional self-tapping screws and metal parts, pre-planned for these holes. Make sure that the distance between the ends of the rafters was 3 m.
- Then strengthen the structure of the crossbar, which have at an altitude of 0.8 m from the ground. The work is not easy, and you will need an assistant, because you can fix the rafters at an angle yourself, but it is almost impossible to lay the finished structures on the supports alone. Speaking of supports: they can be made of long boards, concrete blocks or brickwork. But whatever support you use, it must be carefully verified horizontally, in order to prevent distortion of the house. And in order for the rungs of the ladder to be more reliable, the distance between 1 and 2 truss structure must be made 0.5 m, between 2 and 3-0.8 m, between 3 and 4-also 0.8 m.
- After installing all the roof trusses start laying the floor.
- The back side of the house is also sheathed with boards (and plywood).
- On the second front truss install partition, which is attached to roof rails mounted on the floor of the house. The roof of this wonderful building is sheathed with boards.
- One side of the roof (where the stairs) is left open, and in the place of flight make steps on which the kids can easily climb up.
In the construction of children’s homes with their own hands, you can and should show creative ingenuity and imagination. I present to you a few ideas, maybe some you will take note of.
Charming mini-house for the little ones.
Children will surely like such a fabulous hut.
Or here is such playing home-almost like a real home!
Kids just love tree houses. If you build this option is not possible, you can just place it higher above the ground.
No matter what wooden house you build with your own hands, all its details must first be carefully sanded (to avoid splinters and scratches), then 2-3 times to cover with drying oil, give it a good dry. In addition, for the construction can be used improvised materials: plywood, particle board, plastic and so on.
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