Autumn is steadily approaching, and with it — the end of the summer season and departure to the city. It’s time to take care of comfortable conditions on the road for our beloved kittens. It is desirable to transport them in special carriers even in a private car, and in public transport — it is mandatory.
However, the carrier is useful not only for transportation from the country to the city: a trip to the vet, a trip to friends or on vacation, but you never know when else!
It’s a small matter to choose the right accessory. Do not think that it will be easy: there are so many different models that the eyes run away!
Good old classics
What are plastic boxes good for? Firstly, the price, which can be several times lower than the cost of steep transfers. Secondly, practicality: they are easy to wash and disinfect, if suddenly there was an embarrassment with the cat on the way. Thirdly, they are quite durable: with all the desire, the striped mustache will certainly not be able to escape from it.
In my opinion, a great carrier. If the model is without a mattress (and most of them are), be sure to put something soft inside so that the cat travels comfortably.
The only thing you should pay special attention to is the design of the door (however, this applies to any models, not only plastic boxes). Sometimes pets resolutely refuse to proceed to transportation of their own free will, and it is very difficult to cram a resisting cat into it. In such cases, a wide door will help to put the obstinate man in his proper place without much persuasion, heart-rending meowing and blood-soaked hands.
By the way, not all plastic models can boast of an acceptable cost. If you want to transport a cat in a stylish box, you will have to fork out. But nothing is too bad for our precious fuzzies!
Wicker baskets
They look very nice, but I couldn’t find any other advantages. It would be possible to assume that animals are more pleasant to be in a box made of vines than in a plastic one — natural material is better than synthetics, right? But this is from our point of view: remember how sweetly cats sleep on plastic bags, or even inside. And they don’t show discomfort with a single moustache.
Carrying bags
For short trips, it is quite possible to limit yourself to an inexpensive handbag of simple design. A gentle option for the cat’s psyche: freedom is limited, but there is no sense of a closed space. Besides, the hostess is nearby: she will calm you down with a kind word, and scratch behind your ear.
If there is no possibility (or desire) to travel in an embrace with a cat, pay attention to these comfortable bags. They are made of lightweight (but durable!) synthetic materials, weigh a little, are easy to care for, most often equipped with a shoulder strap.
Some products are so good that you do not immediately recognize a mobile cat house in them: mesh details are now not uncommon in ordinary handbags.
If the journey takes more than an hour, it is advisable to choose a more spacious model. Cats can sleep on the couch for half a day without any problems, and on the way they will definitely want to leave the place of temporary imprisonment — even if not out of necessity, but out of principle.
Well, if you have a long road ahead, you should buy a carrier with a folding aviary for mini-walks. However, some cats don’t need a place to walk: notorious sloths move around at home as necessary, so a surge in motor activity is unlikely during the move.
The additional useful area will not prevent mobile cats and kittens who can’t sit still for a minute.
The following models of carriers are my favorites: real small-sized apartments for kittens. Equipped with trays are especially good: it is not known how the stress of traveling, especially the first one, will affect the animal. The only disadvantage of mobile complexes is that they take up a lot of space in transport.
I don’t know the cat’s opinion, but their owners really like backpacks as carriers. Of course: the weight is distributed on two wide straps, hands are free, you can even hit the road on a two-wheeled transport!
Most seals like to stare out the window. This feature was noticed by manufacturers of accessories for animals and quickly launched the production of backpacks with windows of various sizes. I have never seen anything like this in the village, and city residents walk their pets, though for the most part for some reason in shops.
Wheelie carriers
I can’t help but tell you about them, although I definitely don’t like this category. If they were on a rubber course, they would not be worth it. But the wheels are plastic, so they make noise while driving so that passers-by look around. I suppose it’s not difficult to imagine what it’s like for an unfortunate animal in a rattling box.
My cat is afraid of loud noises: from thunderclaps or fireworks pops, she rushes around the rooms in horror like a madwoman, trying to hide from unknown danger. Therefore, this type of transportation is ordered for me — I will not put my kitty to such a test for anything.
With your own hands
Whether the owners of seals rarely travel, or do not spare money for their pets — I do not know, but there are surprisingly few homemade carriers. But we still managed to find something.
For example, here is such a wonderful bag. No worse than factory ones, right? The craftswoman has saved the family budget, and her beloved fluffy travels in an exclusive author’s product.
For the owners of sphinxes, a kangaroo bag is a real salvation! Cats, who need the attention of the owner every minute, will not even let them eat quietly — they climb on their knees, climb on their shoulders and head, insistently demanding affection. What can we say about the journey: on the road they will simply be exhausted, not being able to achieve what they want.
For cats of calmer breeds, you can make ordinary bags. The choice of the shape, size and color of the fabric is at your discretion.
Carrying is not a fashion statement
In public transport, we gradually got used to transporting pets in special bags – who wants to pay a fine? And in a private car, cats often walk by themselves — it’s a pity for the owners to keep them in “custody”. Look, is the picture familiar?
The picture at the bottom right is a video frame. The speed is not small, and the driver not only talked affectionately with the pet, but also managed to tickle his tummy from time to time. Any emergency situation, and the animal may suffer or cause an accident — such cases are not uncommon, unfortunately.
The conclusion is unambiguous: in the car, the cat must be in a carrier. Don’t worry about the small volume of the bag or box, nothing terrible will happen to your precious purr in an hour or two. And then, hasn’t your pet ever done that?
There are a lot of cat lovers among our summer residents, some get a pet right on the plot, for which they are very grateful — they do not leave the unfortunate animals to their fate!
Share your ways of transporting your favorite cats and kittens, perhaps they will be useful to many!
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