Choosing a gift for the holiday-the task is initially not easy, and since it has to be solved annually, the matter becomes complicated at times. If once guessed with a gift, and the recipient was sincerely happy, it is not necessary to give the same year after year. Even relatives who are bound by blood ties to show miracles of patience can lose their temper. What can we say about friends and colleagues…
All right! Times they want diversity — they will be a special gift! I offer you another idea from the series “how easy (fast, inexpensive, from scrap materials and so on) to make an original (beautiful, practical, cute, cozy, unique and unforgettable) gift with your own hands.”
What are we going to do?
Potholders. You know-in the kitchen without them can not do. I do not remember how they looked before (20-30 years ago), but now they definitely act as an object of economic purpose, and as an element of kitchen decor. Many even store up a few pairs: only for work and exclusively for beauty-to hang at the stove. So why not make a potholder-gift in the style of the upcoming holiday? It will be much nicer to be busy at the stove, now and then glancing at his handmade masterpiece and filled with a sense of pride. And as a gift, such cute little things will be good, but you should know exactly what the recipient likes handmade products.
What will you need to work
Minimum time, a little fabric, a little batting, a small piece of hard tulle. I had to buy only tulle — everything else was found in the needlework bins. If you do not have scraps of new fabrics, you can donate to the right thing already used things (especially good colors on children’s clothing-shirts and dresses). If there are special sets for patchwork, even better — the applique will be stylized in color. One more remarkable, in my opinion, option: to put in business old jeans. Personally I have their has accumulated so much, that denim potholders could would quietly trade) in General, theme choice tissue never-ending. In order not to hang at this stage for a long time (sometimes really give preference to one option is very difficult), you can simultaneously sew several potholders!
On the working side of the potholders, the fabric should be uniquely made of natural fibers, and for the front you can take any, synthetic and semi-synthetic will be suitable. The only thing I would advise you to pay attention to: do not take “loose” fabrics, whether they are at least three times beautiful.
Quick application
I always liked the applique on the fabric, but the time for such work will take a decent, and where to get it on the eve of the holiday? No, I needed such a way that everything was done quickly and easily, but very beautiful! The search took more than one day, but still succeeded-a similar method was found! I hope you will appreciate the simplicity and speed of execution: beginners can take a little longer, but experienced craftsmen will need about an hour (or even less) to make one potholder.
Where to begin
With sketches. Noticed: when you just watch Christmas themes-beautiful pictures and fall from all sides. But if you want to find a worthy example of Christmas theme purposefully-it was not there! Search engines give something boring, uninteresting, in General-not that…
But somehow the sketch was created, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Then it will be much easier!
Sew a pot holder-the beauty
Step 1. Draw on paper sketch potholders in full size. Cut out details.
Step 2. Selected fabrics, if necessary, wash, iron. To the wrong side, apply paper parts, circle, cut out (allowances for the seams do not do).
Step 3. Details of the batting do a little less. I took different batting: for the working side-thick, dense, just to protect the hand from hot. For facial thin, so that tack did not work with the thick volume of the encyclopedia.
Step 4. Stitch a loop. To connect the fabric and batting, quilting the wrong side (a pair of longitudinal and transverse seams will be enough).
Step 5. Collect the front side: on the batting (thin) put the fabric on it – fragments of the application. Top-tulle. Carefully, so as not to accidentally move the tree branches or balls by stitching twice horizontally and twice vertically. The ends of the threads are tied and cut.
Step 6. In the upper corner of the potholders attach the loop, fix it with basting stitches (the extra length of the tips can be cut). So that it does not accidentally fall into the seams, fold it and fix it with a pin.
Step 7. Both parts of the potholders fold the front sides to each other. Stitch on the edge: three sides and leave the fourth about half not sewn to turn the potholder. Turn out, straighten the corners, remove the pin. Basting seam fasten not sewn part (which was left for turning).
Step 8. Stepping back 5-6 mm from the edge, stitch a normal seam (or decorative as you like). Remove the basting thread.
Everything, our beauty is ready. Urgently go to the kitchen, hang a fresh product in the most prominent place and admire the creation of their hands. If no one guessed, praise yourself (you can mentally, so that the home is not alarmed).
I want to draw your attention: it is longer and more difficult to tell than to do, honestly! The work is so simple that even a novice craftswoman, coping with one potholder, will immediately be ready to sew a couple more! Yes, I almost forgot: products with such an application can be washed-tulle and stitch will keep the fragments in the desired position.
I hope the simple idea of an unusual gift will definitely come in handy to someone! By the way, you can make a whole set for the kitchen: potholders, hot water bottle for the kettle and seats for chairs (stools)!
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