As soon as the warm days came, the citizens, tired of the bustle of the metropolis, went to their dacha. Some go to nature every weekend, others live in the country from spring to autumn, and still others, having tasted the charms of “spacious” country life, decide to finally settle on their favorite acres. There are a lot of pensioners and people of pre-retirement age among summer residents. They try to take children out of the city, because summer in nature is a special pleasure for children. And more and more often whole families move here away from the polluted air, “plastic” fruits and vegetables — all for the sake of living more regularly, breathing clean air, contemplating nature, eating natural products, gardening.
And there may be a trap waiting for us. We voluntarily run away from the urban environment, in which we are hit daily by a huge stream of information that does not allow us to relax for a minute. But finding the most desired peace and quiet, after some time, we can suddenly get bored. Yes, there are a lot of things to do in the garden, they are an endless series stretching through the entire summer season, but I want something for myself, for the soul. What to do at the dacha in your free time? Yes, a lot of things! The list is attached.
If in the city we often do not manage to seize the moment to open a long-bought book or look through a favorite magazine, then in the country time flows quite differently. Therefore, many summer residents prefer to pass the evening reading after working in the garden — to change, so to speak, physical labor to mental. Here and read even in a different way: without haste, more thoughtful.
You can not only read books, but also listen to them! And many summer residents use it with all their might. Imagine: you are flying a garden or picking berries and enjoying classic or modern literature in an artistic performance. Double use and pleasure!
Fortunately, today technical progress has reached most of the most remote corners of our country and allows us to stay up to date with all events. TV and Internet not only give fall out of the information flow, but also help in all matters of country life: build a house and grow potatoes, learn the name of a dead branch birds found in the forest of the mushroom to make crafts with the child and find a replacement for the broken cultivator. Or just gather the whole family after an active day and watch a good, kind movie.
Summer is a small life, so why not devote it to studying! There are a myriad of educational programs on the Internet, and educational videos on Youtube that will tell you about the basics of patchwork, the principles of chicken breeding and the intricacies of sewing soft toys. And in the cool shade of country trees, you can finally start learning a foreign language, master accounting, comprehend all the complexities of time management or the wisdom of applying makeup. Yes, you never know what else you always wanted to do, but for some reason did not dare to take the first step! Video tutorials and free courses will not let you get sad on your six acres. After all, sometimes you want not only to dig beds, but also to develop intellectually.
Mastering landscape design
Or maybe it’s time to learn the basics of landscape design and turn your land plot into a Paradise? The beauty of it is that you can not just learn the theoretical information, but immediately put your knowledge into action. Choose the style of the garden, pick up plants and make a plot plan will help thematic magazines and Newspapers or more weighty hardcover publications. A lot of information can be found on the Internet.
If you are a new summer resident and have little idea how to care for plants, you should resort to the advice of experienced colleagues. After all, it is not enough just to choose and plant plants. They are often very capricious: one crop will only grow knee-deep in water — and another will die from excess moisture; one shrub must be cut only in spring — and the other exclusively in autumn. So many subtleties and nuances! If you are not on short terms with the Internet or prefer to be enlightened in the background, you can watch thematic channels on gardening: they will tell you about all the country wisdom in a high-quality and clear way.
It is at the dacha that many people awaken their previously dormant talents — the ability to compose, paint pictures, embroider icons with beads or make crafts from natural materials. Most of the famous creative personalities drew their inspiration from nature, contemplating a misty dawn or crimson sunset, a charming autumn or a ferocious winter Blizzard. If the very thought of canvas and paint makes your heart flutter gently, then you should listen to it.
This list of summer Hobbies that will help you not go wild in the country, of course, does not end there. It can be continued with a lot of diverse activities. But to be fair, it should be noted that only a citizen visiting the countryside can puzzle over what to do at the dacha. A real villager and an enthusiastic cottager often has a lot of troubles, and he simply has no time to be bored.
Dear summer residents, how do you bring variety to your country life? It would be interesting to find out your opinion in the comments.
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