I will continue to introduce you to the plants that I bought in advance, in the hope of framing my future pond. Oh, the dream of enjoying my own pond has been pushed into the dim future, but the plants have remained and continue to delight me even without the pond. One of the most unusual (in my opinion) is darmera peltata.
It blooms early, and, first, the peduncle appears, and the leaves much later. This photo was taken on April 17, the first leaves appeared only at the end of May. Darmera in nature grows along the banks of reservoirs, so it is important to provide it with constant soil moisture, but to exclude stagnation of water at the roots.
An interesting feature of the reproduction of root offspring: being planted in the shade, the darmera practically does not give root shoots, you need to plant it in a sunny place – it will be a real aggressor to capture new territories!
Beautiful carved darmera leaves in autumn are painted in bright colors-from yellow-orange to scarlet-maroon.
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