An experienced gardener makes the highest demands on the quality of seeds for a reason — they are carriers of the properties of future plants, and it is on them that the crop depends. Therefore, almost all gardeners pay attention to pre-sowing preparation of seeds: they are calibrated, soaked, bubbled or warmed, treated with fertilizers or growth stimulants. At a minimum, most vegetable growers try to disinfect the seed material and do it quite correctly. But what drugs to choose for treatment? How harmful is chemistry and what is the effectiveness of biological drugs? We will try to answer these important questions in detail.
Why did the plants get sick?
Infected seeds often do not germinate at all, or the sprouts that barely hatch from them die. But sometimes it is different: the shoots are pleasing to the eye, the seedlings are absolutely healthy in appearance, the transplant to the ridges is successful, the plants bloom profusely, tie the fruits and … get sick. So serious that the entire crop is under threat. Of course, gardeners decide that the plants were infected recently and wonder why there are no suspicious symptoms in the neighbor’s gardens. So they think, what did those lucky people spray the plants with, that they are all right?
But there is no need to guess — in fact, infected seeds may be to blame for the mass death. Many microorganisms in the course of evolution have developed an amazing ability not to have an oppressive effect on the host plant in the early stages of its development. Pathogenic organisms successfully persist on the surface of the seeds, and when they germinate, the seedlings are inevitably infected.
For the time being, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but as soon as the higher plant enters the vulnerable phase (usually in the middle of the growing season, flowering or the beginning of fruiting), the pathogen becomes active. External signs of a particular disease become noticeable: withering, dying of tissues, spots, the appearance of sporulation, and so on. This is why it is so important to process the seeds before sowing, if they have not been etched by the manufacturer.
Features of chemical treatment of seeds
The etching with chemical means of protection of plants, there are nuances that need to know every gardener.
1. The range of chemicals that are allowed to be used in a private farm is small. Every year, instead of expanding, it shrinks.
2. Harmful microorganisms have developed resistance to most chemical protectants. If the seed is infected, do not process it, the disease will still develop.
3. Most chemical protectants simply do not save you from bacterial diseases — they are ineffective in this case.
4. Contact fungicide, or thiram, works well against bacterial diseases. But this drug is very toxic, it is then banned for use, then allowed again, depending on whether special studies confirm the carcinogenic properties of the active substance or refute it. And in a personal subsidiary farm (that is, for independent processing of seeds and plants), it was never allowed, it is used by some seed producers in agriculture.
Why did we mention thiram? Yes, because most of the already etched seeds that are sold in stores are processed with it (this tool is the most inexpensive and does not greatly increase the cost of production). It is important to understand that when sowing such seeds, you can only touch them with gloves, and the duration of contact with them should be minimal. While you are sowing – no food or drink, a smoked cigarette, or an accidentally scratched nose or eyes.
How do I know if thiram seeds are processed? As a rule, the seeds etched with it are placed in a separate bag, enclosed inside a colored package. Ideally, this bag should have an inscription on the processing of this (or other) means, but it happens that it or on the color package itself says only that the seeds are intended for sowing and they can not be used for food. It is impossible to say with full confidence that these seeds were etched by thiram, but the probability is high, so when working with them, follow the above-mentioned safety measures.
5. The most popular method – treatment with potassium permanganate-will only save you from a limited range of diseases. This tool in most cases acts on the gardener, as a calming effect.
6. Strong chemical protectants destroy pathogenic microorganisms that would destroy plants, but they also have a negative effect on the embryo and reduce the germination rate and energy of seed germination.
Biological means
It turns out that “chemistry” has so many disadvantages! What should I do? But there is a way out: for pre-sowing treatment, you need to choose biological preparations. Some consumers consider them an eco-friendly, but weak analogue of chemicals. In fact, this is not the case. Both laboratory and field experiments have shown that in comparison with chemical protectants, the effectiveness of some biological preparations is not much lower – 75-85% (biological) versus 95% (chemical).
Significantly increases the effectiveness of biological preparations by adding adhesives to the solution for processing seeds and tubers. In addition, these drugs are a powerful antidote that reduces the toxic effects of chemicals on the plant, so it makes sense to add them when processing the seed material with chemical protectants.
The chemical fertilizers
Currently, microbiological fungicides are allowed for the treatment of seeds and tubers in a personal subsidiary farm. Seeds are soaked, following the instructions for using a specific tool.
Biological fertilizer
In addition, you should pay attention to microbiological fertilizers, some of which have a strong fungicidal and bactericidal component.
In addition to protecting against a wide range of diseases, these products provide nutrition for seedlings and stimulate the root system of seedlings, help to increase plant stability and prevent the consequences of possible stresses associated with weather conditions and other negative environmental factors.
In order to increase the stability of seedlings and protect them from diseases, you can use growth regulators, drugs of natural origin (the active substance is chitosan lactate). Such drugs include active and passive factors of the plant’s own immunity. They process both seeds and plants at different stages of their development.
And if you mix it?
We have named several options for protection. A natural question arises: is it possible to mix microbiological preparations with chemical fungicides or fertilizers and process the seeds with such a “cocktail”?
We answer: you can mix with those chemicals that are allowed in your personal household, they do not have a strong toxic effect. An exception is natural antibiotics, which can reduce the effectiveness of biological preparations containing live microorganisms, but they are not actually chemical preparations, they are also often referred to as biological means of protection. In addition, it is better not to make a mixture of microbiological preparations with fertilizers containing copper — this can reduce the effectiveness of the first or lead to precipitation.
However, processing with biological preparations will not harm the seeds already etched by the manufacturer (we do not take into account draped and inlaid seeds). It is highly likely that it will protect the seeds from the negative effects of active chemicals.
How not to buy a fake
Another point that I want to focus on: recently, due to the popularization of organic farming and biological products, fakes have appeared. The more popular the brand or name of the drug, the more often it is falsified. Therefore, you need to buy biological and chemical products only in reliable and proven outlets. It is not superfluous to get information from the manufacturer: on the official website you can often find the contacts of your own online store, or you will be able to send the product by mail, and there you can also see a list of official dealers in the regions.
It is important to buy biological products from a responsible seller also because many products require a certain temperature regime during storage and transportation. A simple private seller may not know these features, and if he does, he does not always try to provide the appropriate conditions.
After purchasing biological preparations containing live microorganisms in their composition, it is better to store them in a cool place, the conditions of the most ordinary refrigerator are ideal for this.
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