Six Reasons For The Yellowing Of Needles In Thuja

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Thuja is well established in the middle zone and even to the north. Like any cultivated plant, it needs proper care to remain decorative all year round. Let’s talk about why thuja can suddenly turn yellow.

1. Natural fall of needles

The phenomenon is absolutely normal. Needles are kept on thuja from 3 to 7 years, then dies. Therefore, from time to time to find dried twigs or needles — in the order of things.

2. Chemical burn

Tuya turns out to be a real place of attraction and meeting of cats and dogs. They leave marks, update them regularly, and this is very bad for the needles: they first turn yellow, then gradually turn black.

Six Reasons For The Yellowing Of Needles In Thuja

3. Excessive watering

It is rare, but it also happens. You can not arrange a swamp in the trunk circle of thuja. A sign of overflow is the rapid and intense fall of old needles, while the young ones sit firmly on the branches.

4. Insufficient watering

It happens that the tuya is watered only once — during planting. That’s not enough. For quite a long time, you need to continue regular watering, not allowing the soil to dry up to the state of stone.

5. Sunburn

This trouble usually occurs in late February or early March. At this time, the sun becomes more active, and the needles receive not only direct sunlight, but also reflected from the snow. The crown on the sunny side warms up and begins to actively evaporate moisture, while the root system is still at rest and is not able to make up for the lack of water.

Six Reasons For The Yellowing Of Needles In Thuja

6. Injuries

Sometimes you have to deal with the drying of twigs and individual small shoots. This can be associated with transportation and planting work: twigs accidentally break off or get injured. Often the owner does not immediately notice this and sees the result only for the next year — in April-May.

Now you now know why dead twigs or whole dry areas can appear on thuja, and you will be able to react correctly to the change in color of your evergreen pet.

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