A mirror in the garden will make it more interesting, deeper, expand the boundaries. Surely you have dark places in your garden. Near the wall of the house, shed, or just in the corner of the fence. If you hang or put a mirror in this place facing the bright side of the garden, the sun will shine there too.
Surrounded by greenery, it is like a window into the looking glass, into a magical world. In a place where there is a mirror, there is an additional depth, a passage to a magical Wonderland.
The mirror can be hung on a blank wall, and it will turn into a piece of the garden. It happened in my garden as well. I have a desk under the awning near the house. I like to sit there and look out at the garden. From there, you can enjoy the most attractive views. But when guests arrive, sometimes you have to give them their favorite seat to sit opposite. Here the eye rests on a blank stone wall. It was then that I had the idea to hang a mirror on the wall to reflect the blooming garden.
This is a mirror from an old cabinet. Of course, it is not created for life on the street. But being under a canopy, I think it will last for a long time.
With the help of mirrors in the garden create a variety of illusions. Placed above the pond, they increase the surface of the water.
If you plan to place a large-format mirror, and you do not have one, then you can replace it with several small mirrors, emphasizing the joints between them with additional frames. For example, you can introduce an artificial window or door with wooden frames.
In general, there are a lot of options. So think about how it can be used in your garden before you throw away the old mirror.
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