We have long been accustomed to horoscopes, and hearing from a friend: “I am a lion” – perfectly understand what is meant. Well, personally, I was definitely born under the sign of a Hamster. Yes, there is no such beast in the zodiac. But for some reason it seems to me that many summer residents recognize themselves in it. Judge for yourselves…
Psychological portrait of a Hamster
Perhaps the main distinguishing feature of this Hamster: he likes to make stocks. There is always a storeroom in his house. Maybe more than one. Or one — but very big.
All summer the economic rodent works to fill the bins. And as a result of what there just is not! Pickles, jams, compotes, salads and dressings; preparations of vegetables, berries, fruits and forest gifts; potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets… And the most Thrifty and zucchini with pumpkins, and even watermelons in the cellar there.
Often the Hamster stores more than he can eat. In the autumn he is tormented by the problem of where to put the harvested, and by the summer begins to torment the question of how to dispose of the hefty remains to make room for the upcoming new crop.
Roughly with the mid-fall, when active dacha life subsides, a Hamster is beginning to hoard seeds and with ecstasy indulges beloved attractive opportunity until the most spring. Raise your hand, who has bags, boxes, jars and bags with this strategic raw material is already enough to sow several fields. Who there said, that so much not need? Hamster — you need to!
A special subspecies-hamster village-in addition, stores firewood, hay, sawdust, other useful and necessary items in the economy, constructing separate storage facilities for them. Many make stocks of building materials for arrangement of the nest of the house.
In winter, the Hamster often hibernates. Its activity decreases, movements are reduced to the necessary minimum. From time to time he wakes up to inspect his storerooms and once again to note with satisfaction that there are still plenty of supplies. Then do not mind to find something tasty and eat. The result of this lifestyle can be fat reserves at the waist, naturally occurring in the winter.
He likes to while away the winter evenings, sorting through bags of seeds, which seems to the uninitiated a pointless waste of time. But a real Hamster knows that such meditation charges the seed material with positive energy and helps to increase the future harvest, and therefore he practices it often and with sincere pleasure.
With the onset of spring, the Hamster noticeably revives, begins to actively equip his garden, vegetable garden and suburban home — to dig, build, sow, etc. in the Spring, he is guided by instincts that encourage him to store plants-just as in the autumn and winter he stores seeds, and in the summer — provisions. At this time, the Hamster drags a variety of planting material to his site and diligently buries it in the ground, sometimes in a hurry, not even thinking about the advisability of acquiring it.
Then comes summer — and the annual cycle repeats.
Forecast for Hamster in 2020 (and beyond)
Everything will be fine! Well, how else? Hard work and business talents Hamster will bear fruit. Spring will be friendly, summer-fruitful. Autumn will fill the coffers, which means that the Hamster will meet winter in a good mood, with confidence and calmness. And then the next year is not far off.
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