How to deal with them
Probably everyone who tried to sleep under the squeak of a mosquito, thought that it would be good that they suddenly disappeared at once. But the magical total disappearance of these insects is fraught with environmental disaster.
As mentioned above, they pollinate flowering plants, and their participation in this process is very significant. Mosquitoes and their larvae — food for many living creatures: from fish, amphibians, predatory insects to birds.
In addition, these small creatures carry chemicals in their bodies — manganese, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, boron, calcium, iron, molybdenum. Taking into account the amount of midges, the volume of such natural transport supplies is calculated in tons. Scientists believe that the clouds of mosquitoes in many places — is the only source of delivery of trace elements to plants.
Therefore, if a person can not get rid of mosquitoes, it is worth considering at least ways to protect against their bites.
Mosquito net
The easiest way is to dress in tight clothes with long sleeves and use a mosquito net. Although this option is more suitable for Hiking in the forest, in the country you want to feel more free and sunbathe. Perhaps here is more appropriate is not an ordinary mosquito-net, and the net,which does not hinder the view and not to impede the flow of air in such mosquito repellent Cape not hot. Not be amiss to install mosquito nets on the Windows and doors, as well as the use of canopies over the beds, in the gazebo or over the garden swing.
Insecticides and repellents
On sale there are a variety of chemicals to combat pesky bloodsuckers. The difference between insecticides and repellents is that the first are designed to kill insects, and the second — only to scare. Can be personal use (for application to clothing and body) or for treatment of premises and the entire site.
The original and effective means for repelling mosquitoes was invented in the 90-ies of the XIX century. Japanese entrepreneur, Eiichiro Ueyama compressed in the form of incense sticks a traditional blend used for centuries in incense burners to protect against pesky insects. It is composed of the powder of the pyrethrum, a plant of the genus Aster.
Initially sticks Eiichiro Ueyama enough for just 40 minutes. But then the inventor extended it, and that it did not break, turned into a spiral. Now these repellents, even more advanced, can be purchased in almost any supermarket or shop for gardeners.
Mosquito protection spirals will give you the opportunity to enjoy a quiet life without insects — one spiral smoldering for about 10 hours. There are scented versions and unscented.
If you plan to use such a tool in the room, keep in mind that it should be well ventilated. Do not forget that it is necessary to observe the rules of safe handling of fire and place the smoldering spiral on a non-flammable surface at a distance of 1 m from people.
Well maintained plot = less mosquitoes
Eliminate on the site of the place convenient for reproduction of insects. Remove or turn over containers in which moisture can accumulate, cover the barrel with irrigation water, mow the grass — female mosquitoes can lay eggs and on wet grass in shady corners.
Plant on the site and around its perimeter plants with a bright smell. Sage, rosemary, lavender, all kinds of mint, ageratum, tansy, wormwood, marigolds, geraniums — all of them scare away blood-sucking insects and at the same time decorate the dacha. Mosquito repels the smell of ordinary garlic, Basil and tomatoes. Of course, it is not necessary to hope that the bed with marigolds will solve all problems with mosquitoes, but in combination with other measures will help to reduce their number.
Protecting yourself from mosquito bites, you not only relieve yourself from discomfort on vacation and prevent the possibility of infectious diseases, but also reduce the population of insects without harming nature. Do not forget: the more female mosquitoes get your blood, the more offspring will be able to withdraw.
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