- What are polyanthus roses;
- Advantages (pluses) Polyantha-Rose;
- Cons Polyantha-Rose;
- The Origin Of The Polyantha-Rose;
- Using Polyantha-Rose in country houses;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘Fairyland’;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘Lady Reading’;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘Marjorie Fair’;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘Mevrow Nathalie Nypels’;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘Orange Triumph’ ;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘The Fairy’;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘Yesterday’;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘Yvonne Rabier’;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘Cuban’;
- Polyantha-Rose ‘Kharkovchanka’;
We continue to get acquainted with the prima donnas of the pink kingdom. Today you will see 10 of the most luxurious diamond beauties of the world assortment.
Their advantages do not count, see for yourself!
What are polyanthus roses
These are multi-colored roses, the varieties of which are now quite an independent group.
Polyanthus roses
Their large paniculate inflorescences justify the name of the group, as they bear from 20 to 100 (and more!) flowers, so the flowering of polyanthus roses is always abundant and elegant! The petals of many varieties do not fade in the sun. These roses are unpretentious, resistant to weather surprises. The care is simple: compact bushes almost do not need pruning, flowers stay on bushes for a long time. Polyanthus roses are good in cutting. There are low-growing varieties and large-flowered varieties in this group.
It would seem that here they are – perfect roses with beautiful leaves, abundant long-lasting flowering, red or orange small fruits, easy to care for… But, spoiled by the beauty, shape, size, large flowers of hybrid tea roses, fragrant sensual and fruity aromas, we prefer their varieties.
Polyanthus rose of the Orange Triumph variety and polyanthus roses in the usual planting near the house
Perhaps that is why polyanthus roses (hereinafter Polyanthus rose) are not in such high demand as, for example, the same hybrid tea varieties. Moreover, polyanthus roses are often sold under a “false name”, calling them miniature, groundcover, bush roses, patio roses. But, whatever we call them, Polyantha-Rosa are the ambassadors of our cottages.
Advantages (pluses) Polyantha-Rose
- the size (appearance) is quite compact,
- these are low deciduous shrubs;
- glossy leaves;
- mostly double flowers of pink and red are collected in racemes; they are medium-sized, but there are many of them;
- with appropriate care (regular watering, fertilizing), the flowering is luxurious, long-lasting: the first flowers bloom at the beginning of the summer season, and the last ones in late autumn;
- they winter well, but after planting the first 1-3 years it is necessary to insure and cover them with fir or lapnik to build an air-dry coating on the arches;
- they are not afraid of traditional pink diseases, the causative agents of which are Sphaerotheca pannosa Lev. var. rosae Voron and Marssonna rosae (Lib.), but when the summer is cool and humid, and they cannot resist mushrooms;
- they are practically not cut off, especially if they are used as groundcover shrubs; they are slightly equated from the sides in borders;
- shorten shoots that go beyond the desired contour of the stem culture. Plus sanitary pruning, which is mandatory for roses;
- well-rooted green (June-July) and lignified (autumn) cuttings (with their own roots);
- they are used in various elements of the design of a suburban area;
- they are in the vase for a long time (more than 2 weeks) without losing color.
Cons Polyantha-Rose
- no smell (although there are exceptions);
- medium-sized flowers;
- in the south, the petals slowly, but still fade in the sun;
- flowers do not self-clean, so after flowering they must be removed in time.
The Origin Of The Polyantha-Rose
The first polyanthus roses were obtained in 1873 and in 1880 in France by the original (as it is now customary to say) Guillot Jean-Baptiste Andre (1802-1882), who is better known as Father Guillaume.
Guillaume Jean-Baptiste Andre, an ancient figure in the appearance of the history of the appearance of polyanthus roses
There are two versions of their receipt:
- from the crossing of Rosa chinensis and the dwarf form Rosa multiflora;
- from multicolored rose with repeated flowering of hybrid tea.
The first forms were ‘Paguerette’, ‘Magnonette’.
The first polyanthus roses. The ‘Packerette’ variety and the ‘Mignonette’ variety’
In 1884 (after the death of Guillot Jean-Baptiste Andre) Carrier combined the resulting Guillot hybrids into a separate group of polyanthus roses.
The family tree of the Guillot family and the ancient polyanthus roses “Pakerette” and “Reseda”
The work of Guillot Jean-Baptiste Andre was continued by his descendants, and we still remember this dynasty when describing roses of French selection.
Using Polyantha-Rose in country houses
These are universal roses that are good in single and group plantings, in flower beds – among perennials and annuals.
Polyanthus rose variety ‘the Fairy’ in mixborders
The possibility of good cuttings and obtaining a large number of rooted roses of the “same standard” make them convenient for the device of borders (short), hedges, flower arrays, use as groundcover shrubs.
A sample of a polyanthus rose of the “Fairy” variety and a regular planting at the fence
Low-growing varieties are ideal for potted indoor culture and an inner courtyard.
Polyanthus rose of the “Yvonne Rabier” variety with high potential
A separate polyanthus rose (for example, “Fairy”) is used in standard culture, and even in rocky gardens polyanthus roses look harmonious.
Polyanthus rose variety ‘the Fairy’ in rockery
So, we meet 10 polyanthous beauties who seem to be covered with a veil, behind which lies a secret, often associated with a woman.
Polyantha-Rose ‘Fairyland’
It is known that Harkness was bred in the UK in 1977, registered in 1980
Polyanthus rose variety ‘Fairyland’
It can be sold as a “Harleyalong”, groundcover or bush rose.
Rose ‘Fairyland’
Its parameters: height 75 cm (2.5 ft), width 1.2 m (3.9 ft)
. Nuances: pale pink rosette-like flowers with a delicate aroma.
Polyantha-Rose ‘Lady Reading’
This vintage rose, bred by the famous Van Cliff in 1921, he probably dedicated to some educated woman.
Polyanthus rose cultivar ‘Lady Reading’ and the reading lady
Its parameters: height 1.2 m (3.9 ft), width 1.0 m (3.3 ft)
Details: red flowers, terry.
Polyantha-Rose ‘Marjorie Fair’
It can go on sale as “Red Ballerina” or “Red Yesterday”.
The variety of polyanthus rose “Marjorie Fair” and one of the richest ladies of the last century, Marjorie Merriweather Post
Its parameters are: height and width of 1.2 m (3.9 ft).
Nuances: the flowers are bright crimson, the middle is white.
Polyantha-Rose ‘Mevrow Nathalie Nypels’
This ancient rose was bred in the Netherlands in 1919 by someone unknown, dedicated to a certain lady Natalie Napela; sometimes in reference books and trade catalogs it is given as a rose from the Floribunda garden group.
Polyanthus rose variety “Mevrou Natalie Knipels” and “Stranger” by Ivan Kramskoy
Its parameters: height 75 cm (2.5 ft), width 60 cm (2 ft).
Nuances: pink semi-double flowers with a sweet aroma.
Polyantha-Rose ‘Orange Triumph’
The rose was bred in Germany in 1937 by one of the representatives of the Kordes family dynasty -Wilhelm J. H. Cordesia. It can be sold as a groundcover shrub.
Polyanthus rose cultivar ‘Orange Triumpf’
Its parameters: height up to 1 m (3.3 ft), width 75 cm (2.5 ft).
Details: red terry flowers without fragrance.
Polyantha-Rose ‘The Fairy’
This rose was bred in the UK with the help of Anne Bentall in 1932. It is loved not only by gardeners, but also by breeders; it is based on a number of roses in the “Fairy” style. This is one of the most popular unpretentious varieties, which is often used as a groundcover plant. He has no rest periods between the waves of flowering.
Polyanthus rose variety ‘the Fairy and fairy
Its parameters: height and width 60-90 cm (2-2.95 ft).
Nuances: pink rosette-shaped flowers with a pleasant aroma.
Polyanthus rose variety ‘the Fairy’ in a large pot and in the hedge
In the south, the petals are fading, but it is still the most popular titled polyanthus rose.
Polyantha-Rose ‘Yesterday’
Bred in the UK in 1974, Harkness. On sale, it can be purchased both as a Tapis d’orient rose and as a groundcover plant.
Polyanthus rose variety ‘Yesterday’
Its parameters are: height and width 1-1.5 m (3.3-4.9 ft).
Nuances: semi-double lilac-pink flowers in the form of a rosette are endowed with a delicate aroma.
Polyantha-Rose ‘Yvonne Rabier’
A nominal rose, bred in France in 1910 by Eugene Turbat & Compagnie. Dedicated to the woman – Yvonne Rabier.
Polyanthus rose variety ‘Yvonne Rabier’
Its parameters: height and width 40 cm (1.3 ft).
Nuances: creamy-white double flowers with a light delicate aroma.
Polyantha-Rose ‘Cuban’
It was bred in Crimea in 1959, dedicated to the beautiful half of the indigenous population of Cuba.
Polyanthus rose cultivar ‘Cuban’ and Cuban
Nuances: bright pink flowers with a yellow center, with a pleasant classic aroma.
Polyantha-Rose ‘Kharkovchanka’
This rose is also bred in the Crimea.
Polyanthus rose variety ‘Kharkovchanka’ and miss Kharkiv-2013
Its parameters: height 1.1 m (3.6 ft).
Nuances: bright pink double flowers are endowed with a wonderful peach aroma.
In conclusion, the traditional question is: which of the ten beauties of Polyantha-Rose has won your heart?
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