Today we have a very interesting topic with you-a quest — we have to find alternative options to replace Buxus sempervirens. The fact is that recently it has often been damaged by pests and diseases, as a result of which it loses its decorative effect. Applicants should be suitable for creating molded dense borders up to 1 m high, and in the south — also for bosquets, hedges of mainly decorative value.
Such evergreen lines are harmonious along paths, borders of terraces and lawns, they are used for edging the profile of low stairs, for lining flower beds and flowerbeds, garden beds and even garden beds.
The evergreen framing of narrow and rectangular flower beds helps to hide the level difference between the terrace and the garden. Many summer residents like low, neatly trimmed borders that emphasize the geometric design style. The severity of their lines will soften the flowers in the flower beds. To make the garden look perfect, it is important to remember the main rule: the height of the borders should not exceed the height of the bordered plants.
Selection criteria
To find a truly worthy replacement for Buxus sempervirens, it is necessary to evaluate the applicant not only from an aesthetic point of view. The plant should have such qualities:
- thick-branching (dense crown);
- small-leaved;
- stunting or good tolerance of low haircut, shaping and rejuvenating pruning;
- slow growth;
- evergreen;
- good winter hardiness;
- unpretentiousness;
- resistance to pests and diseases;
- durability.
Candidates for replacement
There are several of them, and this is not only the recently “promoted” Ilex crenata.
Berberis thunbergii
Many varieties of Berberis thunbergii can be considered as a worthy alternative to boxwood. For example, ‘Atropurpurea Nana’ (syn. ‘Crimson Pygmy’, ‘Little Favorite’) is a dwarf form with a height of 60 cm and a width of 75 cm. Winter hardiness, according to USDA data, corresponds to zones 4-8.
It grows faster than boxwood. In the borders, the barberry will bring a highlight of red-green deciduous attire. It will have to be kept at the desired height with a haircut.
In addition, other low-growing and dwarf varieties of Berberis thunbergii can be used:
- ‘Bagatelle’. Height — 30-40 cm, dense crown;
- ‘Bonanza Gold’ — grows up to 50 cm, compact;
- ‘Green Carpet’ — up to 1 m high, spreading crown, up to 1.5 m wide;
- ‘Kobold’ — reaches a height of up to 60 cm, the crown is thick, compact.
Euonymus fortunei var. vegetus
Euonymus fortunei var. vegetus is a liana—like shrub with green oval leaves that do not darken in winter. Winter hardiness (according to USDA data) — zones 4-8.
It is not demanding to the growing conditions. It is suitable for decorating the bases of the trunks of large trees and low walls. In a haircut, it can be kept in a curb and a bosket. Propagated by cuttings.
Euonymus japonicus ‘Microphyllus’
Euonymus japonicus ‘Microphyllus’ is a dwarf form with a height and width of up to 1 m (with a haircut, you can reduce the parameters). Winter hardiness (according to USDA data) — zones 6-9.
A bush with a dense crown formed by numerous thin ascending shoots with small dark green leaves.
Cultivars are suitable for variegated borders:
- ‘Microphyllus Aureovariegatus’ — up to 1 m high, leaves 2 cm long, with a yellow border;
- ‘Microphyllus Argenteovariegatus’ — miniature, leaves with white streaks.
Beresklets are not demanding of illumination (variegated — they will be brighter in the sun), but prefer fertile, moist soils. They lend themselves well to a haircut. In variegated cultivars, the emerging green shoots are regularly cut out.
Ligustrum delavayanum
Ligustrum delavayanum is a compact evergreen shrub with a height of 2 m and a width of 3 m. Winter hardiness (according to USDA data) is zones 6-9.
It is unpretentious, develops well on any soils, tolerates shading. The leaves are oval to oblong, up to 3 cm long. The flowers are small, white, fragrant, bloom in small paniculate inflorescences up to 5 cm long. It perfectly tolerates haircut, thanks to which magnificent topiary is obtained from it.
Lonicera nitida
Lonicera nitida is a densely branched evergreen shrub 1-2 m tall native to Western China. Winter hardiness (according to USDA data) — zones 6-9.
Light-loving, tolerates partial shading, prefers well-drained soils. The leaves are ovate-oblong, dark green, up to 1 cm long. The flowers are white, fragrant. The fruits are purple globular fused berries up to 0.6 cm in diameter . The decorative form ‘Maigrün’ is a bush 0.5—1 m high. Curbs are kept in a haircut. Propagated by stratified (2-4 months) seeds, layering, cuttings.
Lonicera pileata
Lonicera pileata is a densely branched shrub up to 0.6 m tall with widely spreading branches. Homeland — Central and Western China. Winter hardiness (according to USDA data) — zones 4-8.
The requirements for the placement conditions are the same as for Lonicera nitida. The leaves are dark green, oblong-lanceolate, up to 2.5 cm long. The flowers are light yellow, fragrant; they bloom in April-May. Fruits are purple-purple, rounded, 0.5 cm in diameter berries; ripen in October-November.
Ilex crenata
Ilex crenata is an evergreen shrub 5 m high and 4 m wide; monoecious, bisexual, often multi—stemmed. He is originally from Japan, Korea. Winter hardiness (according to USDA data) — zones 5-7.
Prefers shading, it is better not to plant in an open windy place to exclude burns in winter and early spring. It does not tolerate drought — it can shed leaves. The bases of shrubs (especially in the first years of planting) should be mulched with humus, leaves, peat. Ilex crenata feel great on carbonate soils, grow well on acidic ones (pH from 3.7 to 6) — but slightly acidic ones are optimal for them. If the pH level is too high, chlorosis may develop.
The leaves are oval to elliptical, dark green, leathery, 2-3 cm long, often without prickles, the edge is serrated. Blooms and bears fruit rarely. The fruits are shiny black (sometimes white or yellow) berry—shaped drupes with a diameter of 6 mm. Keeps the haircut well.
Decorative small-leaved varieties, forms:
- ‘Convexa’, syn. ‘Bullata’ — up to 2.5 m high, 2 m wide. The leaves are elliptical, shiny, 1-2 cm long. Female specimens with purple-green shoots;
- ‘Golden Gem’ — 1.1 m high, 1.2-1.5 m wide, compact. Leaves 1-2 cm long, female specimens have yellow-green leaves in summer;
- ‘Dark Green’ — 3.5 m high (female specimens). The leaves are small, without denticles, very similar to boxwood. It is this variety that boxwood borders in Versailles have been replaced;
- f. microphylla is a garden form in the form of a squat bush with especially small leaves. It is more demanding to soil moisture. Great for creating low profile boskets.
Taxus baccata ‘Renke’s Kleiner Grüner’
Taxus baccata ‘Renke’s Kleiner Grüner’ is versatile in use, as is boxwood. Curbs made of it 30-45 cm wide can be kept with a haircut at a height of 45-50 cm. Winter hardiness (according to USDA data) — zones 6-8.
Why did I draw your attention to this particular variety? Its value is low growth, only 60-80 cm! A significant difference from other types and varieties of yew, which can reach a mark of 10-20 m, right?
In addition, excellent borders can be created from such wood:
- Euonymus nanus,
- Ligustrum japonicum ‘Rotundifolium’,
- Calluna vulgaris,
- Mýrtus commúnis,
- Rosmarínus officinális,
- Buxus Balearica,
- Santolina chamaecyparissus.
Have you ever encountered boxwood problems in your dacha, have you thought about replacing it? Which of the alternative shrubs did you like the most?
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