New year is unthinkable without the main symbol-a sparkling Christmas tree. It transforms any room and instantly lifts the mood. Since the holiday is already on the nose, it’s time to think about what kind of tree to decorate the house-live or artificial.
Someone will want to install a high Christmas tree in the room, which will touch the ceiling with its top. The more lights and lights in the house, the more fun, isn’t it? And someone nicer decorated with taste miniature beauty-this Christmas attribute is perfect for a small room.
Having decided on the size, take out your Christmas decorations and conduct an audit. Will there be enough toys to decorate the prickly guest? Or maybe completely change the style of its decoration and pick up new jewelry?
Here the imagination begins to paint one picture more beautiful than another… because the outfit of the Christmas beauty depends not only on the home interior, but also on the color and structure of the needles of the tree. Which tree to choose – green or blue, silver or gold, red or blue? If the color palette of living conifers is not very wide, then artificial analogues can boast an incredible variety of attire. But it is important not to lose sight of the other features of natural and simulated trees.
A live Christmas Tree
The main advantage of a living tree is the unique aroma with which it fills the entire surrounding space. It is the smell of pine needles that many of us associate with the New year: as soon as the tree appears in the house, the mood immediately soars up.
This is not accidental. In some people, a specific aroma awakens childhood memories, in others the usual physiology works, and in others-all together. After all, powerful phytoncides of coniferous plants are well-known healers. They not only disinfect the air, but also actively affect our olfactory receptors, from this and cheerfulness, and festive optimism.
Buy a felled tree and throw it away in a few days? Many believe it is not only indulgence, a waste of money, but a violent attitude towards nature. After a couple of days of being in a warm room, the Christmas tree begins to dry up and rapidly drop the needles. Prickly, hard – they are everywhere: they prick the feet, scratch the hands, clutter the floor, crumble on the furniture…
“Oh, no!”- someone will say- ” I do not need an additional problem – all the winter holidays to remove the needles!”. And in his own way he would be right. Clean and economical people can limit themselves to a symbolic Christmas attribute-a wreath of live coniferous branches.
And you can buy a tree growing in a pot or container, dress up, then save it until spring and plant on your site. With proper care, it will endure not only the new year’s carnival, but also the subsequent adaptation in a new place.
As a new year attribute use a variety of trees. First of all, it is worth paying tribute to the stunning beauty of the fir trees-Picea abies, Picea pungens and Picea omorika. No less impressive look pine-Pinus nigra, Pinus strobus and Pinus mugo. Firs – Abies alba, Abies koreana, Abies balsamea-are increasingly on sale. Amazing in new year’s outfit Chamaecyparis, Juniperus and Thuja.
Among the wide range of coniferous plants that appear on the eve of the New year in Christmas markets and nurseries, everyone will find something to stop your eyes. Living trees are delicious and diverse, but buying a spectacular varietal plant is not a cheap pleasure: they all grow very slowly and require careful care. If such troubles are not for you, go straight to the store for an artificial analogue.
Artificial Christmas tree
In December, you can wander around the shopping centers for days – it is so beautiful and festive here. The main culprits of high spirits are artificial Christmas trees painted in stunning shades: classic green and light green, snow white and silver, orange and gold, Burgundy and pink, dark blue and sky blue. How can you resist and not buy such a spectacular beauty?
A significant disadvantage of simulated wood is the lack of festive aroma, and cheap low-grade products also have a haunting smell of plastic. But if you once spend money on buying a quality artificial Christmas symbol, in the future you can save significantly. Got before the New year compactly folded festive decor, quickly assembled the design and all-no extra spending, Jogging on Christmas markets, tedious transportation and needles on the floor.
Artificial Christmas tree can stand in the room even all year round and will not add problems ubiquitous prickly garbage. However, it should be remembered that such products are made of polyvinyl chloride, and this substance when heated evaporates into the air harmful to our health substances. Therefore, the beauty of the simulated tree made of plastic is quite insidious: you need to either abandon the decoration of the tree with electric garlands, or opt for a natural beauty.
The question of which tree is better, there can be no single answer, because it all depends on the personal taste of each. Tempted by the practicality of an artificial tree, you can completely spoil the New year – the room will not reign” the same ” festive flavor. And more pedantic people who suddenly decide to add variety to the usual Christmas decor and for the first time buy a natural Christmas tree, risk all the winter holidays to spend in indignation and with a broom in their hands.
So close your eyes and go back to your childhood memories: what tree stood in your house in the new year holidays? It is such a tree will be the best today-will fill the heart with a trembling premonition of bright changes and will give new unforgettable memories of the new year.
Dear readers, which Christmas tree did you decorate as a child – live or artificial? And what tree are you planning to install in the house on the eve of the upcoming holiday? Share your memories and ideas in the comments. And even better, attach photos of Christmas beauty, which was the main decoration of your family hearth in the past years.
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