Blessed warm days of Indian summer, which usually happen in late September-early October – the best time to prepare the rose garden for winter. During these 10-15 days of dry and quiet weather that nature gives us, you can do a lot without waiting for the dull autumn rains to fall and get cold.
These notes are the fruit of observations on my own rosary. They are addressed, rather, novice rose lovers who are at the very beginning.
September chores
In September, many roses still continue to bloom, some produce new buds. At this time, nothing is cut, only manually Rob the petals. Unopened buds pinch, remove diseased leaves (the rest can be left, they continue to” work”, accumulating nutrients).
Without waiting for the snow to literally fall on our heads, in September we begin to gradually prepare roses for winter. Our main actions are aimed at giving the plants the appropriate signal: ahead of the cold, it’s time to turn off flowering. To help us will be and morning frosts. As soon as the temperature drops to -5°C, roses themselves will understand that it is necessary to prepare.
It happens that in late autumn they, as if waking up, begin to expel young juicy red shoots (I’m sure this is the result of untimely and abundant fertilizing), which will not ripen and lignite. To rose in vain did not waste their strength, they are cut in advance in September on the ring.
Working in the rose garden, you need to be careful and attentive. Sharp spikes that protect the shoots, and strive to injure the hapless gardener. The device for garbage collection will save your hands from injuries and help you quickly deal with small twigs and leaves without touching them.
With a warm lingering autumn, it is good to spray the plants with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate (1 teaspoon with a slide per 1 liter of water). This is done to prevent the awakening of new kidneys. In the rose garden again and again weeding the next generation of weeds and loosen the ground, remove fallen leaves (source of infection) and burn them.
At the end of the summer stop watering the rose garden (I basically do not water my roses, as I wrote in a previous article — so this advice is for those gardeners who adhere to a different position). If you do not have time in the second half of August to give the necessary potassium-phosphorus fertilizer to prepare roses for winter, it is not too late to do it in early September. Use usually kalimagnesia (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water) or monophosphate potassium at the same dosage.
Until the middle of the month you can still transplant roses, but only young, whose age is not more than 3 years. I have repeatedly written that a rose is not some perennial flower that can be endlessly dragged around the site, choosing the right place. Rose-a shrub with a deep root system, which is certainly damaged during transplantation. After this procedure, the plant will be sick for a year, taking root in a new place. And transplanting a more adult rose may even end in her death!
When transplanting remove peduncles and slightly pruned roots to stimulate the regrowth of new ones.
The device of shelter
Contrary to common recommendations, sending a rose to the shelter, do not break off her healthy leaves, she’s an evergreen! Under the translucent shelter of lutrasil is a process of photosynthesis, the leaves continue to” work”, supplying the roots with all the nutrients necessary for a successful wintering. At the end of September, rose branches are tied together in bundles, which are bent and pinned to the ground with special hooks.
It is difficult to give in to scars with rigid branches bend in several receptions, gradually, with an interval of several days. This is done in order not to break the plants, and they are not cracked bark.
Remove the root growth, which is very weak rose. To do this, a little rake the ground and cut a wild shoot growing from the rootstock.
Climbing roses removed from the poles, Ramblers the ring completely cut the faded whip, leaving 5-6 young, grown up during the summer. They are folded into a ring, which is placed in the form of a nest on the spruce branches or boards. Tea-hybrid roses and roses floribunda cut to a height of 40 cm in the Sunny dry days of Indian summer erect a temporary shelter from the film of autumn rains.
You can pull it on the garden arc, securing clothespins. Another option is to make a flooring of boards. Then someone like you will come up with the ingenuity of our gardeners enough. And do not wait for this first frost, which “grab” the land. At this time, there are still temperature “swing”, when the night freezes, and the day the soil thaws.
During this period, the main thing – the removal of excess moisture. Leave the bottom vents, so the roses sit in a dry “house”, and it is not terrible neither snow, which usually falls unexpectedly, no dull autumn rains. And rosewod can sleep peacefully, oblivious to the vagaries of the weather.
By the end of September, the first roses should already be in hiding, despite the still seemingly warm weather-winter usually comes unexpectedly. It is necessary to closely monitor the weather forecast to catch the first snowfall.
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