The mood is a delicate thing: it may arise out of nowhere or change without reason. To feel the new year mood, someone enough aroma of pine needles and citrus, and someone needs the whole “festive set”: elegant Christmas tree, lights garlands, noisy crowd of guests…
Well, for some reason it seems to me that the process of preparing for the holiday is a great way to create a new year mood. These days of cheerful vanity and expectation of a miracle are filled with pleasure of creativity: we transform space, we create a fairy tale — such what we represent it.
Each house, each family has its own new year traditions, special rituals-they give birth to this magical festive atmosphere. And if suddenly the old recipes this year for some reason do not work, maybe you should try something new?
Take a look at the proposed selection-maybe it will find exactly what you lacked to feel the approach of the holiday. By the way, the ideas that you will find here, there is a huge plus: almost all of them can be implemented very quickly and almost without cost.
1. Christmas tree and its “deputies”
Most of us New year without Christmas trees do not think. Dress up the Christmas tree-perhaps the main and most obvious recipe for a festive mood. This prickly lady has a magical gift to transform the space around her, filling it with the expectation of Christmas miracles.
And what if the tree you for some reason can not put or do not want? Let’s get acquainted with her “deputies” — among them there are very worthy contenders for the role of creators of the new year’s atmosphere. How do you, for example, here is a festive “tree”?
Of course, the creation of a design masterpiece-not work for 5 minutes. But I assure you, tastefully selected balls on ordinary branches, put in a beautiful vase, will look no worse. And certainly not worse cope with the task of creating a new year mood.
Want some balloons? Use electric garlands:
And here is an idea for those who did not have time to complete construction or repair by the New year. Yes, the idea is not new, but still relevant. In the country interior such a decision can be very appropriate and practical:
No ladder? So after all, from the usual ladder, even quite old, you can make a new year’s art object.
Well, for those who love creativity, can come to taste Christmas topiary-an excellent idea for decorating the festive interior, and for the original gift:
2. Candles. Lots of candles. A lot of candles
Of course! After all, this is another indispensable attribute of the new year. The lights of burning candles are able to awaken a romantic mood, perhaps, even in a hardened cynic — there is some magic in them, do you agree?
Well, where the candles are-there are candlesticks, right? Of course, you can just put them everywhere, but it is very tiring then to scrape off the paraffin. And fire safety has not been canceled. Therefore, the candlesticks to be! And what will act in this role-you decide.
And by the way, there is no need to buy some expensive candles — if there are simple household ones in the house, stored in case of a sudden power outage, it will turn out no worse!
One caveat: there should be a lot of candles-then you do not have to wander in the dark or turn on the electric light, destroying the magic of living fire.
3. Electric garland turns…
Where can I place an electric garland? On the tree, on the wall, on the window… See how easy it is to create magic with this festive attribute. For example, you can “draw” a Christmas tree directly on the wall or in an empty corner — and “revive” it by simply plugging a plug into an outlet:
Fantasy fans, I think, will appreciate the following idea. Turning on the imagination, it is easy to imagine what a “magic” mirror or decorated with a garland door — a real portal through which good new year’s miracles are about to enter the house:
Do familiar fixtures seem boring? So, we need special-original and festive!
And still can be done here is so:
4. Advent calendars: joyful anticipation
This is a good tradition from the West. Its popularity is growing — and it’s great! After all, the expectation of the holiday can also be turned into a holiday: small pleasant surprises of the advent calendar every day give a good mood.
If there is little time for needlework — choose the simplest ideas that do not require special skills. Believe me, they will bring joy no less than the most luxurious designer products.
5. Fill the glasses!
No, not champagne yet, but … Christmas balls and cones! It is extremely simple, fast and does not require additional costs, because surely many remain after decorating the Christmas tree “unclaimed” toys.
You can arrange such decorative elements anywhere, if you want to add pine branches, candles, electric garlands-creativity is welcome!
6. Garlands, snowflakes, Christmas wreaths
These elements of Christmas decor are not new for a long time and, I think, do not need descriptions. Meanwhile, with the task of creating a festive mood, they still cope with 5+, and many ideas are easy to implement even for those who are not strong in design issues.
But if all kinds of garlands are familiar to most since childhood, the Christmas wreath is another Western tradition that came to us quite recently. And unlike advent calendars, it is controversial.
If such an idea personally provokes not festive associations-just do not use this element of decor. As an option-take a look at the following pictures, maybe they will seem interesting to you:
Paper snowflakes are another childhood memory. If winter does not indulge in snow, and frost is in no hurry to decorate the Windows with its marvelous patterns, let’s create a winter fairy tale with your own hands!
The technique can be any — it all depends on your creativity, free time and desire.
7. Angels and other magical creatures
New year and Christmas-a time when miracles and fairy tales roam somewhere nearby. Cute and touching figures of Christmas angels-a traditional holiday decoration-will help to create an atmosphere of trembling expectation of a miracle.
They are so different, each with their own character. Choose ideas to your taste and possibilities — and create!
Don’t forget other characters: funny Snowmen, clever Christmas reindeer, mischievous dwarfs…
In such a wonderful company, the festive mood is guaranteed! Invite to your house all the fairy-tale characters that you like — it will be fun! Do not forget to consult with your children or grandchildren — they know better than us who should be invited to the holiday. And then we take out colored paper, thread, needles, needles… and create our own magic!
And what “secret ingredients” make up your Christmas mood? Tell me!
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