Well, are you ready to continue the theme of mats with your own hands? I hope that you have already looked at suitable ideas for fabric rugs, so I offer you crocheted and knitted ones, made of pom-poms and a little bit from the “all sorts of things” series.
With knitting needles
There are not many such mats, probably because the knitted fabric is more elastic, loose, and loses its shape faster.
But with the help of spokes, you can cope with the task in different ways. Novice knitters can practice on simple models: the rectangular mat in the photo below is just the right option for repetition — a pretty pattern is obtained exclusively from the front and back loops! If you want to get a rug more tightly, I advise you to take a closer look at the striped ” snail»: just attach the remnants of mismatched yarn, which is a pity to throw away, and there is not enough for anything large.
There is a lot to choose from, there are a lot of ideas! the pattern and color combination are entirely up to you.
Doormats will never go out of fashion. they can be knitted from ordinary yarn in several additions or from a cord for needlework. the second option will cost more, but work, of course, will be more convenient and faster.
Just look at what a masterpiece of mats are obtained from the cord!
If you decide to knit the same, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of cotton, polypropylene and polyester cords in advance. According to the reviews of experienced craftsmen, polyester is the most practical, but you can choose any one.
The undoubted advantage of synthetic knitting material is ease of care: the products are light, easy to wash in the machine, dry quickly. I always liked light rugs, but I would not dare to lay a snow-white one in the room: it seems that I vacuum regularly, and wash the floors thoroughly, and white socks still have to be washed manually, the machine copes with a C grade. Since I don’t want to add a larger product to my socks, I just admire the beautiful models, secretly envying the impeccable housewives. I read that mats made of polyester cord are well washed even in cold water. Well, if this is true, what if this is just a marketing ploy? Can anyone share some practical experience on this?
I could not pass by the cute rugs for the nursery with indifference. I think this is a great idea for a gift, especially if the baby’s mother does not know how to knit.
Surely the kids will be happy to tinker with toys on cute little animals and clouds, and mom will be calmer: even if the floors are warm, you still want to sit your child on something softer than laminate or linoleum, right?
Lovers of fine things can look and feel of the mats, made in the technique of knitting loin. I do not yet perceive them as rugs: I do not leave the feeling that a tablecloth or an ordinary napkin has been laid under my feet. But it looks beautiful, I won’t say anything.
A lot of rugs from separately related motifs. Once again, I admire the inexhaustible imagination of needlewomen. I like everyone, honestly!
Individual fragments do not have to be small or multicolored.
To make the rug more voluminous, you can make it from these stones or flowers.
Voluminous flowers in the products look amazing, and yet it is not difficult to knit them. The main thing is to understand the principle, and then you can experiment indefinitely, creating your own options with different numbers, sizes, and shapes of petals. Mat-heart conquered the skill of execution, directly sunk into the soul.
All the same reasons — great idea for a practical use of the remnants of yarn. Such mats a priori can not be tasteless: they organically look like the usual, and the most daring combination of colors.
If after knitting motifs you still have thread clippings, do not rush to throw them away. First, see what a cute little thing for the house can be made from almost nothing!
With knitting sorted out, we move on to soft and fluffy rugs.
From pompoms
To be honest, I am completely indifferent to pom-poms, but the abundance of various ideas proves that few people agree with me. In fairness, it should be recognized that the products look quite cute, soft and cozy, besides they are pleasant to step on bare feet.
Another plus — even a child can make pom-poms, well, except that you can help cut them evenly. Usually they are advised to sew on a special mesh for needlework, but you can do with improvised materials. for example, take as a basis an ordinary PVC bath mat — an ideal basis: it is easy to cut the desired shape with ordinary scissors, it is convenient to sew pompoms, it is possible to wash in the car — what else is needed for happiness?
There are so many color combination ideas that your eyes run away! I wanted to show you everything that I liked, but there were too many options, so I had to moderate my appetite — the article is not endless!
I really liked the carpet that imitates moss — how natural it turned out! The flowers are not so realistic, but they will still add a good mood.
With a little practice, you can easily master more complex options.
And don’t forget about the children — they will surely be delighted with the new fluffy rug.
If such products do not scare the child, why not put a bear or sheep skin in the nursery?! I included in the collage one rug not from pompoms (suddenly someone does not like them), but from fluffy yarn.
Well, the usual looked, it’s time to move on to non-standard options for mats with your own hands.
I managed to find very few ideas, but they are unrealistically beautiful. For me, it was a discovery that the rug, it turns out, can be embroidered with a cross! For sure, it is difficult or expensive, because there are practically no photos of finished products. Or maybe few people dare to encroach on such original models, fearing that they will have to work with about such a needle.
Another technique that literally deprived me of sleep is looped carpet embroidery. the products are incredibly beautiful on both sides: on the one hand — a dense wall of smooth loops, on the other-a smooth ligature of stitches, popularly called “non-woven tapestry”.
To work, you will need a special needle (it is inexpensive, I have already been curious) and embroidery frames (not necessarily large, embroider fragments, rearranging them). You can use the rest of the yarn, but do not tie the ends of the threads, so that there are no knots. And how quickly the work is progressing, you can not imagine! For those who do not have the patience for long hours of needlework, this is an ideal option.
One of the most budget — friendly is a mat made of plastic bags. Unexpectedly for me, some of them were quite cute.
Also, a pebble mat will not hit your pocket.
We have already discussed what can be made from wine corks, but there was no talk about mats. and in vain: they are very warm and fit perfectly into any interior.
Very original look rugs made of shoelaces for shoes.
Or from any other decorative cords.
Especially respected are the masters of ropes made of natural fibers — jute, hemp, flax and others.
You can braid the cord into a beautiful knot or make a rug out of fragments.
In the case, you can attach braid, plastic plugs and even buttons!
If your wardrobe can no longer accommodate out-of-fashion ties, urgently make a rug out of them: you can close the cabinet doors and transform the interior with an unusual rug.
Zealous owners will not even throw away a sock: washed, sewed — and in the doormat!
In conclusion, I want to show stunningly beautiful ideas that prove that there is no limit to creative imagination.
And I also liked the cozy rug-night light. The author of one of the products claims that you can even walk on it, but I would not risk it. Let it lie for beauty and dispel the darkness of the night — I can not stand to sleep in complete darkness. As I think, it would be useful in the nursery: there is soft lighting, but the light source is not visible, it does not interfere with sleep.
I think it’s time for me to stop. It is necessary to give you the opportunity to share interesting ideas, and such will certainly be found.
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