In this article I will tell you about how I visited the beautiful bonsai exhibition and what I saw there. The exhibition presents various areas of this art.
Plant: Cedrus atlantica.
Style: Chokkan. This style is characterized by a straight trunk and a conical or spherical crown. The trunk can be divided into 3 parts: free from lower branches, the middle and upper branches located in different planes to the top decrease. The location of the plant in the container in the center. In this style, bonsai is grown many types of wood.
Age: 67 years, in the culture of bonsai 30 years.
Plant: Cedrus deodara.
Style: Chokkan.
Age: 32 years, in the culture of bonsai 18 years.
Plant: Phillyrea angustifolia.
Style: Chokkan.
Age: 50 years, in culture bonsai 25 years.
Plant: Fraxinus excelsior.
Style: Chokkan.
Age: 75 years, in the culture of bonsai for 17 years.
Plant: Quercus ilex.
Style: Chokkan.
Age: 45 years, in the culture of bonsai for 20 years.
Located on the right in the photo
Plant: Cupressus Horizontalis sempervirensՉ۪.
Style: Chokkan.
Age: 37 years, in the culture of bonsai for 17 years.
Plant: Cercis siliquastrum.
Style: Moyogi. The curves of the trunk may be few, but they decrease to the top. For this style, use a rectangular or oval container, the tree is planted asymmetrically. The roots of the plant can be seen above the soil surface.
Age: 25 years, in the culture of bonsai for 12 years.
Plant: Pinus parviflora.
Style: Moyogi.
Age: 50 years.
Plant: Juniperus excelsa.
Style: Sambon-yose.
Age: 35 years, in the culture of bonsai for 15 years
Plant: Pinus pallasiana.
Style: Bunjingi.
Age: 150 years, in culture bonsai 18 years.
Plant: Pinus pallasiana.
Style: Bunjingi.
Age: 250 years in the culture of bonsai for 23 years.
Plant: Carpinus orientalis.
Style: Sokan. From the same root grow 2 barrel: one “parent” (thicker or higher), the other “child”. The beauty lies in the balance of the thickness of the trunks
Age: 48 years, in the culture of bonsai 30 years.
Plant: Punica granatum.
Style: Kabudati.
Age: 10 years, in the culture of bonsai for 10 years.
Plant: Arbutus andrachne.
Style: Kabudati.
Age:35 years, in the culture of bonsai for 15 years.
Plant: Crassula arborescens.
Style: Hokidachi.
Age: 25 years, in culture bonsai 25 years.
Plant: Cupressus sempervirens ‘ Stricta’
Style: Iose-ue(grove). Use trees of the same species, they can be different in age, height, thickness of the trunk; the minimum number of copies 3. Oval containers are used for this style. This bonsai imitates the landscape of ancient Tavrida.
Age: 11-15 years, in the culture of bonsai 12 years.
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