How to plant peonies, then, in a few years, not to reap the fruits of their mistakes? Peony is very demanding in terms of planting – location, quality of soil substrate, depth of planting, distance between plants etc. Not least important are the planting dates. Peonies are divided, planted and transplanted in late summer and early autumn.
This is dictated by the peculiarities of agricultural culture. In August-September peonies are in a state of relative rest, when they can be engaged without the threat of damaging the roots, as small suction roots begin to grow later, when the temperature of the earth decreases.
What should be the planting material
The quality of planting material is very important for the future of peonies. The optimal size is 20 cm, it should have 2-3 buds the size of a watermelon seed, be without flaws, rotten parts. If you decide to divide your own Bush, try to separate it into the optimal number of fragments, each time solving a kind of puzzle: each stocking root should correspond to several kidneys.
Do not think that the larger its size, the better. On the contrary, the peony in this case will use reserves of storing roots for several years and will not develop new ones. And after a few years, much to your surprise, suddenly refuses to bloom. And again, the transplant and division will be required.
If you buy peonies at fairs, carefully inspect them. They should not be serious defects, each – certainly at least 2 large buds.
Slowly prepare for them pits and then transplanted to a permanent place. During the summer I water and feed them as well as other peonies. A small trick: in order not to damage the roots of young peonies, when planting them in pots inside a layer of gauze, leaving free edges, for which later the peony is easy enough to remove.
Preparing for landing
Obtained by dividing the roots should be lowered for an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate. To dry, place slices sprinkle wood ashes, with tags.
Experience has shown that when working with several varieties at the same time there is bound to be confusion. Excellent long-lasting tags are obtained from beer cans. It is necessary to cut strips on them with a ballpoint pen or hard pencil to squeeze the name of the class. When planting, bury next to the peony, as it will bloom soon and it will be possible to determine the variety only after 3-4 years. Such tags are eternal, nothing is done with them, they do not rust and, unlike plastic, retain the inscription.
If planting is delayed for some time, they wrap in slightly damp moss sphagnum – a fine aseptic material, and then in Kraft paper. Polyethylene can not be used, the roots will be covered with mold, as they will not “breathe”. Blanks are placed in a cool room, for example, in a dark garden pantry. By this time the nights are getting cool, and it will be the most suitable conditions for storage.
Preparation of the pit
Preparation of pits-it is quite responsible, because the vital basis for the plant is laid, which will sit in this place for more than one year, and almost decades. Peony-centenarian makes us quite stringent requirements for the quality of the soil substrate and location in the garden. These plants do not like acidic soils, the ground must be alkalinized with dolomite flour or slaked lime. For the same reason it is better not to get involved in peat. It is best to use Mature compost. Perfectly deoxidizes the soil and wood ash, which also still serves as a source of trace elements.
Pits dig spacious and deep enough, the size of 60x60x60 cm, as the peony is required to create special, exclusive conditions for growth and flowering. In ordinary garden soil peony will not show all its fine qualities, will bloom weakly and have a starved appearance.
At the bottom be sure to put 1-2 buckets of rotted cow manure is such a “depot” of nutrients, which will provide peony all necessary. Fresh manure is also allowed, only in this case it will need to be covered with a layer of earth of at least 15 cm, so that the peony roots do not come into contact with it. By the time the peony has developed a full-fledged root system, this manure will have turned into humus and will not be dangerous.
Then the pit is filled with ordinary garden soil with compost (3-4 buckets), addition of ash (1 l Bank), superphosphate or phosphate (1 glass), complex fertilizers with microelements (2 generous handfuls). The science of the pit it is desirable to prepare in advance to land in them has a chance to settle. But if they just dug – it does not matter, after filling them almost to the top (leaving 10-15 cm) the soil in them should be slightly trampled.
They are placed in the center of the pit so that the kidneys were not deeper than 3 cm from the ground. With a deeper landing peony will not bloom, do not wait. Therefore, the main task is to stand the correct planting depth. Do not rely on the eye, to be planted with a school ruler (for these purposes keep a chip) or a specially designed yardstick.
Covered with their usual garden land, set over them homemade makeshift “huts” -it will save the new planting from the fact that someone, uneven hour, they come. After some time, the pit will sink a little, it will be necessary to pour mulching material, best of all a mixture of peat and ash. This should be done by all means to fall in the hole is not delayed rainwater, and in the spring there is not accumulated meltwater.
Excessive dampness peony does not like, so before planting peonies on your site, provide General drainage. High standing groundwater and peatlands in General will be an obstacle to the cultivation of peonies, no matter how much you want to have these beautiful plants in your garden.
Accommodation in the garden
As for the placement of peonies in the garden, the main requirement is the maximum insolation. In the shade of trees, fences and buildings peonies feel oppressed, grow, of course, but to make them bloom any fertilizing does not work. Moreover, the peony is a terrible “individualist” who does not want to grow near trees and shrubs and share moisture and nutrients with them. They feel best in the company of their own kind.
Usually planted in a row along the tracks, so they are better ventilated and less prone to disease. The distance from the edge of the track must be not less than 1 m, the same should be left between plants. Use a cord for marking. Pull it parallel along the track, retreating to the desired distance. In the center of the future pits install pegs. Be sure to maintain the same distance between them. If you are negligent then all these flaws will come out and for many years will act on your nerves.
When planting, be sure to consider the height of the plants: to obtain a harmonious picture, you should adhere to the joint placement of varieties of the same height. When planning to plant several varieties, be sure to keep this point in mind.
Along the tracks look good peonies of the same variety, it is easy to achieve, dividing some of his old peony. Under one indispensable condition-they must be equivalent, only in this case they will develop the same strength and beauty of the bushes. And monoclimax better to plant varieties with different flowering period, which will pass the baton to each other, supporting the decorative flower garden during the month.
Just planted peonies closer to frost is better to hide some improvised material. The first year after planting peonies need our care, then the need for this will disappear, as peonies – plants continental climate, nature itself adapted to the harsh winters. Moreover, a period with sub-zero temperatures is vital for their full development.
In the spring, when juicy red shoots appear from under the ground, start a complex of agrotechnical measures for feeding and disease prevention. In spite of the existing recommendations that the first years did with the peonies to do, say, a well-made pit will give them everything they need. But the paradox just is that before this “power” they will get not soon, year through 3-4 that way, and we will give them a good start and achieve the long-awaited early flowering.
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