Incredibly, but a fact: medicines can help not only people, but also benefit plants!
So – it’s time to conduct an audit of the home first aid kit and find out what to take with you to a country plot.
Potassium permanganate and activated carbon
The most obvious example is disinfection: potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and activated carbon, in the plant world they are used in dividing and processing bulbs.
Plant sections are treated with crushed activated carbon.
There are other, easy-to-use and relatively inexpensive medicines that can almost certainly be found in every home and in every country. For example, hydrogen peroxide.
From the school course, we remember that its chemical formula is H2O2: it is water with double oxygen content. When a drop of peroxide comes into contact with the skin, “extra” oxygen will be released, the liquid will boil, foam. On the basis of this reaction — the release of oxygen atoms — the principle of purification (disinfection) is based, which “works” for both people and plants. Therefore, a solution of hydrogen peroxide is good not only for washing wounds received in the garden, but also for etching the soil before sowing seeds and seeds themselves.
And water saturated with additional oxygen stimulates seed germination, to do this, they are soaked for three hours in a special solution (1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution per 100 ml of water).
Helps hydrogen peroxide and various fungal diseases of plants (inhibits pathogenic flora: fungi, bacteria), so it is used for spraying the affected leaves: 1 tablespoon of peroxide and 40 drops of other known antiseptic, iodine, 10 liters of water.
By the way, in the body of plants, as in the human body, iodine is responsible for immunity, so it not only disinfects, but also strengthens health. Lack of iodine, on the contrary, weakens.
In general, the deficiency of one or another element in the plant’s diet leads to metabolic disorders, the symptoms of which are yellowing and falling of leaves, ovaries and dying of shoots.
Boric acid and magnesium sulfate
Plants may suffer from a lack of boron, magnesium, sulfur, especially on light sandy soils and acid peat. The introduction of these elements into the soil or spraying plants with the solution they are part of will have a beneficial effect.
- With a lack of boron, the growth point is affected in plants, the apical buds and roots die off, the flowers fall off, and the fruits do not tie. So spraying before flowering berry bushes (raspberries, strawberries), fruit trees and vegetable plants with a solution of boric acid (2 g/0.07 oz per 10 liters of water) will increase fruiting.
- Magnesium deficiency can cause chlorosis, it is easy to make up for it with epsom salt or, as it is also called, magnesia (magnesium sulfate) – the same that is used in medicine in neurology, gastroenterology, gynecology. Only 30 g (1 oz) per 1 sq. m of soil, and after such top dressing, both the condition of the plant and the taste of the fruit will improve. By the way, magnesium sulfate can be bought not only in a pharmacy, but also as a fertilizer – in a garden store.
Another fairly effective remedy for chlorosis caused by nitrogen deficiency is ammonia alcohol (ammonia solution). The effectiveness of the method is easy to understand if you look at the chemical formula of the drug – NH3. H2O, it is a nitrogen solution. The element necessary for growth and development is presented in this preparation in a form that is easily digested by plants. Therefore, it can be used not only for nitrogen deficiency, but also as a regular top dressing. But, of course, pharmacy doses: 3 tablespoons of ammonia per 10 liters of water. By the way, this solution is able to scare away some garden pests, such as flies (for onions and carrots).
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