Ants, flies, mosquitoes have plagued man at all times. They bit and did not let them sleep at night, climbed into soup and jam, awakening the desire to find the right way to get rid of harmful insects. Today’s article tells about how they were initially fought in the XVIII century.
The heart of a bat will help from ants
Continuing my speech about ants, I will now tell you everything that I have found in various works about various ways to destroy annoying ants in all gardens, about destroying their nests and about further ways to prevent them from getting on trees.
1) In the place where ants have a habit of putting their food on the ground, put gnawed bones from fried meat, on which there is still some meat. Ants will cover it all at once and in great numbers, and then you should put the bone in a pot filled to half with water and mix them with a stick until they die, and then this bone should be put in place. And so it goes on until you manage to catch all the ants.
2) Take sour beer or vinegar, dissolve vitriol in it and pour it into an ant heap.
3) Boil the sulfate in the urine and pour the contents into the ant mounds and heaps.
4) Some claim that if you put a bat wing in an ant nest, it won’t leave a single ant outside. And if we put the heart of a bat, then we will say that they will all disappear, the same is said about the heart of owls.
5) About half an hour before sunset, cover the ant nest with wet straw and light it, and when the ants begin to suffocate from the smoke, then pour soot, lime and ash on this place and mix with the ground. They say that after that the ants will no longer appear.
6) The captured ants were put on the ground, and then a bottle was dug into the ground, in which some honey was put.
7) Where Anthriscus cerefolium is sown, ants are not visible, so you can try to sow Anthriscus cerefolium around.
8) One of the German gardeners decided to smear a few clay flower pots inside with cheese and knock them over on a pile. Every day he moved the pots a foot and a half further away from the pile. The ants, attracted by the smell of cheese, followed the pots, and a few hours later he found several thousand still harmful insects in his trap, which he killed by pouring boiling water over the pan.
On the reduction of countless flies
Since some of the readers of my articles have expressed to me a desire that I write in them something about flies or more about the extermination of these domestic insects, then let me tell a few tips on this. These tips will help you get rid of the daily anxiety of flies that we experience in summer, and especially in autumn from these small and impudent creatures. Both tips given below consist in different ways of preventing them from entering the rooms and partly in ways of reducing their infinite variety.
The first piece of advice is to take care that the windows in residential apartments are less open during the day.
As for the means for the exterminator of flies, they are very diverse. Firstly, basically their meaning is to deliver them to food made from milk with pepper or Veratrum, or a piece of tobacco mixed with honey or something else sweet. That is, the principle of operation of the remedy is that after eating they die.
If in the evening, covering the windows, smoke a room where there are a lot of flies and mosquitoes, wormwood or juniper berries, they will die. If you open the window after that, they will quickly fly out, and also the unpleasant smell from the herbs with which you smoked the room will disappear.
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