The warmer it gets on the street, the more often you want to drink something light and cool. What could be better than juice?
All the benefits of juices and not to count: they strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, relieve stress, give youth and good mood. Almost all fruit and vegetable drinks are low-calorie, but they perfectly satisfy hunger. In addition, they contain vitamins and minerals, and watching the figure, you can without harm to health 2 times a week to replace daily meals with natural juices. After a month, that is, after 8 days of unloading juice, you will feel a surge of vivacity and ease. Daily diet: 1.5 l vegetable juice, 0.7 l fruit juice and as much water as possible. Choose a drink not only to taste, but also taking into account your health. Both fresh and packaged juices will benefit.
Carrot juice improves vision
All doctors in the world recommend eating carrots or drinking carrot juice every day, especially for those who suffer from myopia, night blindness and rapid fatigue of the eyes. After all, the most pronounced healing effect of this vegetable has it on the retina. And the latest research of American scientists has proved that carrots contain an anti-cancer substance, which inhibits the development of cancer cells.
Cucumber juice cleanses well
Cucumber mainly consists of useful water, which helps to cleanse the digestive tract. Iodine contained in this vegetable is absorbed almost 100% and helps to prevent thyroid disease. Improving metabolism, reducing appetite, normalization of blood sugar — that’s not all the therapeutic effects of cucumber.
Strawberry juice instead of aspirin
Strawberries are one of the few berries that protect the body from viruses. It has a diuretic effect, lowers blood pressure and improves heart function. Strawberries contain organic acids: malic, citric and salicylic, which is converted in our body into a natural analog of aspirin.
Pineapple juice burns fats
The enzyme bromelain isolated from pineapple helps to “disperse” metabolism and turn fat into energy. Eat pineapples, drink juice, and hated fat reserves will slowly but surely melt. Pineapple juice is very useful for hypertonics: it reduces blood pressure, eliminates fat deposits on the walls of blood vessels and prevents their occurrence.
Pomegranate juice against stress
English scientists have proved that regular use of pomegranate juice reduces the amount of stress hormones in the body and normalizes blood pressure. This miracle fruit increases hemoglobin and lowers blood sugar. Pomegranate juice is useful for heavy menstruation.
Celery juice gives youth
The French firmly believe in the magical ability of this spicy plant to give youth and good mood. Vitamin e, which is a part of celery, is a natural antioxidant that provides food and oxygen to tissues and cells, protects them from clogging with oxidation products that cause premature aging. The juice is very useful for the female body, as it normalizes the endocrine glands. It is recommended for people who are prone to fullness: providing diuretic effect, celery prevents swelling and weight gain.
Peach juice-liver aide
It is recommended for low acidity of the stomach and chronic constipation. When urolithiasis helps to remove sand from the bladder. Due to the presence of phosphorus and potassium, peach juice increases mental and physical performance. Improves liver function and visual acuity.
Tomato juice protects the heart
Scientifically proven: tomato red pigment-lycopene-an element by which tomatoes have the ability to slow down the aging process in the body. And the fact that tomato juice normalizes blood sugar and reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. With a minimum of calories tomato juice significantly reduces hunger and perfectly quenches thirst, along the way providing the body with a considerable amount of potassium and calcium.
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