In recent years, the most popular in the world have become American varieties of peonies. The fact is that after the First world war, the center of selection of these plants gradually moved from France to the United States, where many nurseries were formed. There worked known originators, who gave the world a huge number of new varieties. American Peony Society — APS was also organized there.
There are hundreds of American varieties and interspecies hybrids that deserve attention. What can be recommended?
White Terry
- ‘Gladys Hodson’. Exceptionally richly blooming variety, white and cream with a touch of ivory. When dissolution has a slightly pink hue. Stems are thick with large shiny leaves. The plant has a splendid business qualities.
- ‘George J. Nicholls’. White flowers with a hint of amber on the inside. Late variety, very fragrant.
- ‘James Lewis’. The plant has large flowers up to 18 cm in diameter and a wonderful aroma. Their color is white with a touch of ivory.
- ‘Corinne Wersan’. Cream flowers with a pinkening inner part have a red rim in the center. Plant with large leaves and huge (20 cm in diameter) flower caps.
- ‘Norma Volz’. Flowers are cream shade. Bush powerful, strong stems. Time of flowering medium early.
- ‘Marilla Beauty’. Flowers flesh-white hue. The variety is floriferous.
- ‘Florence Nicholls’. The outer petals are light pink with a cream-yellow base, the crown of the flower is cream, the tuft is light in tone.
Pink Terry
- ‘Dresden Pink’. Bright pink tightly stuffed flower with silvery “shaggy” edges, very elegant. The leaves are large and smooth. Fragrant variety.
- ‘Alexander Fleming’. Bright lilac-pink variety attracts everyone’s attention with its luxurious flowers.
- ‘Princess Margaret’. Variety with lush, somewhat flattened flowers pure pink without a hint of blue. The Bush has powerful stems and large flowers, blooming together.
- ‘Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt’. The variety is recognizable due to the characteristic flattened shape of flowers with light pink outer petals and white Terry middle. He has received awards for outstanding quality.
- ‘Dinner Plate’. Pink-salmon variety with huge flat flowers resembling a plate, repeated champion of the United States. Leaves narrowed like a boat, dark green.
- ‘Pink Formal’. Sort of pink with a lilac tinge, fragrant. The shrub has a good strong leafy stems.
- ‘Doris Cooper’. Creamy pink brightening variety. It has good winter hardiness.
- ‘Jessie Gist’. Pink with light red markings on a substrate turning pink flowers. Variety is very fragrant.
- ‘The Fawn’. Flower pink with dark pink droplets, with bright strokes in the center, there are stamens. The Bush has strong stems with a red top, bright green shiny leaves.
- ‘Cornelia Shaylor’. The incomparable tri-color variety with pale pink outer petals, mother-of-pearl crown and a pink center. A strong hive has a thin but strong stems.
- ‘Pink Jazz’. The flowers are sparkling pink-red. The plant blooms profusely and has a high vitality.
- ‘Susie Q’. The flower diameter of 17 centimeters tight, vividly-pink. Stems are strong.
- ‘Whopper’. Tricolor with huge balls of flowers with light pink outer petals, cream crown and light pink center.
- ‘Cincinnati’. Flower deep pink with silvery edges to the petals. Variety of the average flowering period.
Red Terry
In this group especially are good:
- ‘Black Velvet’. Velvety dark-red fragrant flower. The Bush is compact, multistage;
- ‘Karl Rosenfield’. The flowers are dark ruby with a bluish tinge, with full dissolution visible stamens;
- ‘Paul M. Wild’. A popular variety with dark red flowers of pomegranate hue. The petals are shiny, do not fade;
- ‘Red Satin’. Red, rare-toned flower with a satin sheen. The smell is faint;
- ‘Sinbad’. Variety with dark flowers of bright red color with silvery tips of petals, fragrant;
- ‘Felix Supreme’. Exceptionally richly blooming, fragrant variety. The flowers are bright red with a lilac tone.
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