- Rose variety ‘White Pearl’;
- Rose variety ‘Valentina Tereshkova’;
- Rose variety ‘Gurzuf’;
- Rose variety ‘Dina’;
- Rose variety ‘Spark’;
- Rose variety ‘Coral Surprise’;
- Rose variety ‘Lezginka’;
- Rose variety ‘Major Gagarin’;
- Rose variety ‘Marina Steven’;
- Rose variety ‘Professor Victor Ivanov’;
- Rose variety ‘Feodosia Beauty’;
- Rose variety ‘Mount Shasta’;
- Rose variety ‘Queen Elizabeth’;
- Rose variety ‘Samourai’;
- Rose variety ‘Prominent’, syn. ‘Korp’;
So it was the turn of roses with large flowers — grandiflora. According to the official classification you will not find such a group, and here’s why: in the English encyclopedia Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of garden plants all these roses — floribunda. However, Russian rose growers and colleagues from the United States consistently distinguish the group of grandiflora, and breeders create varieties with large flowers by crossing floribund roses with tea-hybrid.
Taking from roses floribunda best features, grandiflora inherited abundant and long flowering, resistance to weather and fungal diseases.
Today I invite you again for a walk in the Botanical garden (hereinafter-the Garden), where we admire the magical beauty of the large flowers of grandiflora roses. And let’s start with the Crimean varieties created by the pink dynasty Klimenko.
Rose variety ‘White Pearl’
Gorgeous white rose, which very clearly corresponds to the name, created VN. Klimenko and Z. K. Klimenko in 1965
It is beautiful: double flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter. Resistant to fungal diseases.
Rose variety ‘Valentina Tereshkova’
Magnificent two-color rose, created By Z. K. Klimenko in 2008, is dedicated to the first woman-cosmonaut.
Cherry-red petals on the outside are Golden-cream, which makes the rose look rich and expensive. Duration of flowering (during summer and autumn) — additional bonuses to beauty.
Rose variety ‘Gurzuf’
Beautiful rose, created by mother and daughter — V. K. Klimenko and Z. K. Klimenko in 1965, is dedicated to the southern coastal resort town of Gurzuf.
Strong rose up to 1 m; flowers large, pink, double, fragrant, up to 12 cm in diameter.
Rose variety ‘Dina’
Personalized rose variety, developed in the Crimea, Z. K. Klimenko. When you see such a wonderful creation, you realize that it could create only a beautiful woman with a rich soul.
The flowers of this rose are as if in an expensive outfit: the petals inside are crimson, outside are white.
Rose variety ‘Spark’
How young we were… the Soul of each of us was eager to do something useful. This variety, like Gucci… By Z. K. Climene in 1962
Large (up to 12 cm) flowers are fragrant delicate aroma.
Rose variety ‘Coral Surprise’
The famous variety of Z. K. Klimenko, created by her in 1966, It was very popular in the South in the 80s of the last century due to the ability of large (up to 11 cm in diameter) flowers not to burn out in the sun, while maintaining the coral-red color.
Slim low (1 m) shrubs have found their place not only in mixborders privateers, but also urban street landscaping. Flowers with the aroma of fruit like many.
Rose variety ‘Lezginka’
Another masterpiece Zinaida Konstantinovna, founded it in 2005.
Flawless! Beautiful Bush up to 1.5 m; interesting young leaves with a bronze hue; delicate pink large, up to 11 cm in diameter, flowers.
Rose variety ‘Major Gagarin’
It is known that after the first flight Yuri Gagarin visited the Garden. The conquest of space is so shocked breeders that many of them devoted to the main event of the twentieth century in the created varieties: Klimenko named her next creation in honor of the first cosmonaut.
This is a strong rose up to 1 m high. Earlier, in the old rose garden, the curtain with it stood out sharply against the background of lower varieties, and guides often associated the height of the rose with the cosmos. Beautiful its pink Cup-shaped double fragrant flowers up to 11 cm in diameter; when flowering become lighter.
Rose variety ‘Marina Steven’
Z. K. Klimenko has created this delicate rose in 2006.
Interesting colouring of its flowers, which are hard to describe: creamy-pink, with yellow base of the petals.
The flowers are vulnerable, and it is clearly seen in the photo on the right: the edges of the petals turn brown.
Rose variety ‘Professor Victor Ivanov’
Spouses K. I. Zykov and Z. K. Klimenko created this rose in 2008, dedicating it to Professor Victor Ivanovich Ivanov, who for many years headed the Department of Agroecology in the Garden.
Pale pink flowers up to 11 cm in diameter decorate high (up to 1 m) bushes from may, throughout the summer, in autumn.
Rose variety ‘Feodosia Beauty’
A charming grade established V. N. Klimenko and Klimenko Z. K. in 1964
Bush, despite the low (up to 1 m) growth, it seems slender. Luxurious pink flowers up to 14 cm in diameter.
Rose variety ‘Mount Shasta’
White rose made in the USA by Swim & Weeks in 1963
Beautiful shrub 1-2 m and a width of about 1 m. Exquisite Cup-shaped flowers with a diameter of 12-13 cm, the flavor of a classic medium. Vulnerable diseases in the cool and rainy summer.
Rose variety ‘Queen Elizabeth’
Luxury rose created in the United States Lammerts in 1954 and is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II.
Popular beauty is high, slender: up to 1-2 m. Amazing beauty goblet pink flowers with a diameter of 10-11 cm with the onset of cold nights (late summer) can be covered with crimson spots.
Rose variety ‘Samourai’
At the sight of this rose will always remember the rich history of the series Shogun. The variety was created by the famous French rose dynasty Meilland in 1966.
Rose is so bright that when it is “rippling” in the eyes. Flame-red petals on the South by the end of flowering fade; the petals are like baked.
It can be affected by powdery mildew, especially in cool and rainy summers, in the South it occurs in autumn.
Rose variety ‘Prominent’, syn. ‘Korp’
Luxury creation Kordes, 1971
Pink beauty up to 1 m high and up to 65 cm wide.Cup-shaped double orange-red flowers with a diameter of 9 cm Bloom all summer and autumn, with the onset of cool nights vulnerable powdery mildew and black spot.
Do you know these beauties of grandiflora? Which rose did you like best?
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