The Japanese, suffering from a lack of living space, deify nature. Feng Shui is an ancient Japanese teaching about how a person can live in absolute harmony with the surrounding world. And it helps to achieve this kind of universal energy-Qi.
For your garden to become a garden of health and success, you need to attract this energy to your plot. To do this is not so difficult, it is important to follow some rules.
Live qi (Shen qi) attracts with certain layouts, as well as a large number of colors. It comes to the site through the gate, and therefore the entrance area should be given special attention. It is good to plant pine and thuja, as well as plants that bloom with complex colors, such as hydrangeas or Turkish carnations.
Special attention should be paid to the protection of the site. Often the fence has a sharp end, which is unfavorable. But in Feng Shui, everything can be fixed, and if you plant climbing plants near the fence, it will have a positive impact on the situation.
Sharp fence you need to decorate
From the entrance, the qi energy moves along the paths, and not straight, but sinuous lines will contribute to its smooth flow. In general, the smooth round shape is good for the environment. When creating flower beds, avoid designs with sharp corners and plant red, yellow and white flowers.
What other plants attract living qi? For example, those that have large lanceolate leaves. The most win-win option is a favorite of many owners. And in the garden there should be plants that begin to move actively at the slightest breath of wind, such as cereals, ferns and lilies.
Pond in the garden, as well as ferns, hosts, daylilies-very favorable to attract qi
To attract beneficial energy, water will help: a pond, a stream or a small garden fountain. Think about what you could do. And it is not so important that the pond is huge, and there are thousands of flowers. Most importantly, pay attention to the favorable planning lines on the plot and plant the right plants.
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