Country house is an amazing place. Being on vacation, we can abandon the usual framework, which forced clamped in the main life, to become easier and more relaxed, bolder and sincere. And can, simply a? If you are always attracted to the refined style, hidden under negligence, for example, exquisite furniture, created with the help of conventional, often shabby boxes, the design of a country house — a good way to try yourself as a designer.
Do you plan to surprise guests with creative design of your cottage? I want to give some advice and offer to get acquainted with a selection of ideas for the manufacture of boxes of various pieces of furniture for home and garden.
Chests and stuff
The theme of using boxes in the interior is popular today. However, it is not so new and simple, as they say in the articles about design.
Box with lid-perhaps the first furniture in a human home and the progenitor of modern furniture sets. The oldest samples of chests for storage of clothes, supplies and other necessary things and jewelry archaeologists have found during the excavations of settlements in Ancient Egypt. The age of these finds is almost 6000 years.
The chest is multinational: it was a universal subject of a dwelling situation both in Europe, and in Asia. In addition to its original function — the storage of valuable items, it could be used as a table, a seat or a bed, depending on its size and the needs of the owners.
Chests accompanied the traveler, securely storing his belongings and even having in his device a cot. In chests merchants transported or transferred merchandise. Chests with a dowry solemnly brought to the groom’s house ahead of the bride-as a measure of prosperity and prosperity of the family, where the girl comes from. Small chests placed on the bench.
Over time, the Luggage chests were transformed into suitcases, clothes and linen storages placed vertically and equipped with shelves — into cabinets and chests of drawers. The underground rebels of steel cupboards and cabinets, as cassapanca (Italian chests with armrests and backs) turned in the chair.
Today, apparently, fed up with complex shapes and rich decor of traditional furniture, the eyes of designers again turned to a simple and utilitarian object — a box.
Trash or stylish interior item?
In articles about the design of old containers usually write that the creation of such pieces of furniture with their own hands — a simple matter that requires only the presence of material. I risk upsetting you: it is not.
First, any stylization of mess, negligence and chaos requires much more creative effort than creating an ordered and traditional one. Most of the images of beautiful houses or apartments with drawers instead of furniture had the hands of a designer and a good photographer.
If you create furniture from containers do not have enough sense of proportion and style, you get the old stuff, not creative. This unusual furniture is very demanding to the environment: shelves or tables made of boxes or sofas made of pallets can “feel bad” next to the usual furnishings. And not everyone likes the manifestation of marginality.
Secondly, the furniture from the boxes is not as cheap as it is commonly believed — the box drawer discord. It is not enough to go to the backyard of the nearest store for the selection of “raw materials”. When was the last time you saw a wooden box as a package? Household appliances are now sold in cardboard boxes, products are delivered to stores in plastic containers or the same cardboard packaging.
The items used by designers are often stylized, that is, specially made boxes with well-treated surfaces, with reliable fastening of parts. Or is it really a packaging wooden container, only vintage-for example, old boxes of whiskey, army shell boxes. In this and in another case this furniture may require more spending than the acquisition of conventional.
Boxes in a country house
If you like the idea of the interior in an informal style, do not give up its implementation. As mentioned above, the cottage is an ideal testing ground for decoration. What is difficult to imagine in a city apartment, easily perceived in a country house. And besides, in fact, living space, in the country there is a veranda, terrace, gazebo, workshop or patio where you can experiment with unusual furnishings and decor.
Start, for example, with a rack for storing garden supplies: in the boxes it is really convenient to keep small tools, packaging with fertilizers and fertilizing. From pallets are obtained excellent design for vertical gardening or zoning area, and cute old boxes, which previously sold cereals or cigars, very convenient for storing bags of seeds.
Boxes are easy to make yourself. The design of the container is very simple-the manufacturer seeks to minimize the cost of storage and transportation. This laconism is the attractiveness of the box as a decorative object. Therefore, if you do not have a few boxes, which previously transported apples, they are easy to do on their own.
Methods of artificial aging will help to turn the remake into a rarity. The world of containers and packaging is diverse, as the requirements for transportation and storage for different items can vary greatly. Therefore, pay attention not only to the standard forms. For example, look at the catalog or archive boxes, tool lockers, different chests and boxes, old troughs for cattle and other things. And not just from wood!
In the style box
It is not necessary to use boxes in grunge style design. The simplicity of their design, modularity and complementarity can be implemented in the device is quite ordinary forms of furniture.
By the way, you know that in the Wake of the popularity of creating an environment of pallets and boxes, many furniture manufacturers have developed a collection of items “from pallets”? And if you are close to this style, brutal sofa or coffee table you can just buy. So the choice of fans of unusual furniture is extensive.
Who will it fit
Furniture from boxes and pallets will not fit into every interior. It is suitable for rooms in loft or grunge style. For fans of simplicity in design and minimum of parts, those, who appreciate Scandinavian design or minimalist architecture, simple geometry of the furniture of drawers should be palatable.
Vintage boxes complement the kitchen in the style of Provence or country, on the contrary, prone to an abundance of decorative elements. Brutal entourage will be appropriate in the “male” interior-for the design of the workshop or billiard room, bar, room teenager.
Wooden containers are suitable for interior styling-home decoration in the spirit of pirates or shipwrecked, the house of the first settlers or colonial trading station. Multi-colored and light boxes, from which you can make a rack, use as a table or just for the game — a great solution for the children’s room.
And of course, all kinds of boxes, pallets, boxes are very functional in landscape design. Of them and racks to accommodate the plants to make containers for planting, and the garden with flower beds. And also to use for registration of a Playground or a place of rest.
Pallets and boxes are ideal partners for other informal furniture — floor pillows. The ease and freedom of this design is appealing to many. Try your hand at creating a creative and unusual environment. Let your dacha become a place of creativity and freedom from standards and conventions.
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