We all know from the cradle the healing properties of natural honey, whose fragrant sweetness attracts, warms and heals from the effects of bad weather and bad mood. It is also familiar that this product, unfortunately, is often forged by adding dyes, preservatives, flavors and sugar.
“Honey is so sweet that it is finally disgusting! The excess of taste kills the taste,” wrote William Shakespeare. We agree with the classic and try to figure out how to distinguish fake honey from the present.
In the store
Here we can not smell and taste, so pay attention to the appearance and weight of the product. Conscientious manufacturers are likely to pack honey in a glass jar rather than plastic, so that it retains its properties longer. It is necessary to emphasize once again that we are talking about store honey. But plastic packaging for honey from private apiaries is the norm.
Pay attention to the surface of honey: foam should not be. Natural product foam in the case is not yet ripe. Now look at the texture. Natural honey is homogeneous, whereas fake honey is stratified: the liquid remains on top and the thick substance on the bottom.
The color of honey is easy to fake with the help of dyes. Hold the jar to the light and look: bright amber Shine, crystal clarity and unnatural whiteness indicate a fake product.
On the market
Here we can smell the honey. Natural will smell like flowers, and the fake smell sour or absent. Are starting try. A slight burning sensation in the throat indicates authenticity. Now RUB a drop of honey between your fingers and pay attention to its texture. The right product will soak in and the fake will form lumps.
Finally, pay attention to the impurities. Real honey contains micro-particles of pollen, pollen, bee bread, wax and propolis. The absence of impurities indicates unnatural. Be sure to weigh the honey, if you buy a liter or more: 1 liter of natural honey weighs at least 1.4 kg.
Home examination
We returned home with shopping and now can conduct a real experiment to make sure that made the right choice, or learn from their own mistakes. Let’s choose the most convenient way of examination.
- Match. Light a match and bring it to the honey. Low-quality hisses and melts immediately (so appear added components), and high – quality-quietly and after a while.
- Iodine. Pour a little honey into a bowl, dilute with water and mix well. Impurities will settle to the bottom. Now drop a couple of drops of iodine and mix again. If the mixture turns blue, then there is starch in the composition.
- Spoon. Take a spoon. Fast circular movements wind honey on it. A sure sign of quality: honey sticks like caramel and will not drain. It will not appear bubbles or inclusions of another color. This method is only suitable for testing in a warm room with a temperature not lower than +20°C.
- Paper. Apply a few drops of honey to a piece of paper. After 5 minutes, look at what the stain looks like on the reverse side. Honey of low quality is often diluted with water, which will inevitably leave a wet spot. By the way, you can take a piece of paper with you to the market and conduct an examination right before buying.
- Vinegar. Dilute the honey with water and add a few drops of undiluted vinegar. The fake honey will sizzle and foam.
- Bread. Dip a piece of stale bread into the honey and leave for 10-15 minutes. Take out the bread and touch it: real honey will not change it, but fake, diluted with sugar syrup, will soften it.
And don’t forget about the time of year! Honey is pumped out of the framework in August-September, and after a few months it begins to crystallize (candied) – a natural process. That is, in winter, the liquid texture shows only the honey, which made the manipulation. It should be remembered that honey is the result of joint hard work of people and bees. A low price may indicate that people have coped on their own. Choose honest sellers and trusted suppliers.
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