Severe frosts with heavy snow and wind complicate the life of wintering birds. To the food not to get, and the winter day is short — enough time to accumulate energy. So sometimes come across freezing and dead birds. Sparrows at bus stops look in his eyes and hunger become so familiar that we take the crumbs or seeds from his hands.
To help them survive this time, you can organize feeding, hanging a simple window feeder from a plastic bottle. But it should be noted: if you have taken to feed the birds, then it should be done regularly, otherwise you can destroy the birds accustomed to feeding.
In winter, the bird feeder is visited by more than a dozen species of birds. In the Park, in the garden or in the countryside, especially at the edge of the forest, the species composition will be more diverse. To big Tits here can join other small species.
In some cities, towns and villages on the feeder with pigeons and sparrows can fly quite rare wild pigeons, which now began to winter in quite harsh conditions. Fatty seeds of hemp and other weeds in the feeder will attract grain-eating birds.
Feeding Tits and other birds in the cities retains some of their number in nature and makes it possible during feeding to carry out observations. Some Tits in the spring remain close to feeding places for nesting.
The most important winter feeding in the orchard, as a large tit destroys pests not only in summer but also in winter, collecting hidden in the folds of the bark and other shelters overwintering insects and their larvae. If the feeder monotonous grain feed, Tits still go to look for additional animal food.
Especially necessary feeding wintering insectivorous birds in the period of bad weather, sleet, after snowfall with sticky snow and severe frosts. In those days, to stop the feeding is impossible.
As for the set of feed, for Tits and other insectivorous birds the best feeding — unsalted fat of any animals, unroasted sunflower seeds (they are very high in calories) or pumpkins, to a lesser extent — watermelon seeds, melons and crumbs of white bread. Traditional millet or waste of gray bread they do not eat.
When harvesting watermelon, melon or pumpkin seeds, do not forget to rinse them with water and then dry them so that they do not mold. You can pour cereal with hot animal fat, this food eat tit too.
Intermittent feed valid a short time to feed chickadees from the remnants of the table (boiled bones, cheese crust, meat). Harvest seeds of weeds and wild berries can be, but it will be only a minor addition to the main feed.
It is necessary to add a few words about the feeders. The most important thing for feeding-that the feeder was constantly feed, and its design — a secondary matter. It is better when the food is covered from rain and snow, and the feeder is arranged and located so that it is convenient for birds to visit it.
Feeders can be built from various discarded materials: glass jars, plastic bottles, plywood, cardboard, etc. Very convenient construction of automatic feeders in which feed is supplied as it is eating from the tank (upside down neck of a bottle or a box with a loose valve).
On feeding grounds birds are so accustomed to people that they can fly to the outstretched palm with seeds. Feeders, located in public places, – an excellent means of promoting the protection of birds. The feeder in a garden, Park or square can — as a small architectural form — decorate the territory.
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