“Luxury of the Northern garden “is the name of the exhibition held in St. Petersburg in the exhibition center “Eurasia”. The popularity of this event is evidenced by the fact that it is annual and has been held for more than ten years. The twelfth exhibition will be held from June 28 to July 1, 2017.
The exhibition is popular not only among the residents of the Northern capital and the Leningrad region. To take part in the event as an Exhibitor or just a visitor, the exhibition “Luxury of the Northern garden” attracts gardeners and flower lovers from around the world.
The Northern garden is special. It is not as bright as the southern and tropical gardens, but serves as a model of style and high taste. Admiring the beauty of the Northern garden, the organizers warn that plant representatives of the southern climatic zones are not allowed to participate in the exhibition.
Flower lovers club
The exhibition “Luxury of the Northern garden” is, first of all, a club of flower lovers, an annual meeting place for people who are passionate about their garden. Here you can talk, brag about new Pets, ask for advice of specialists in plant care.
And here with pleasure will accept in the ranks both beginners, and simply passing by and not remained indifferent at the sight of such beauty. After all, the entrance to the exhibition is free.
Within the exhibition
“The luxury of the Northern garden” is the sale of planting material from gardeners. Here you can choose for your garden decorative perennials and shrubs, seedlings of fruit trees, coniferous plants grown in the climate of the North-West and is recommended for the Northern gardens.
This year you can buy blue Hosta for shady garden from the constant participants of the exhibition Tatiana Krutovoy. And also buy (or at least see, because the number of copies is limited) a unique book “my Destiny – irises. Comprehending the secrets of nature ” of the constant participant of exhibitions Georgy Rodionenko.
Georgy Ivanovich Rodionenko-Soviet and Russian botanist who made a huge contribution to the study of plants of the family Iris. This contribution is marked by government awards as well as the British iris society medal and the Warburton Medal of The American society of iris lovers.
Peonies and irises
Peonies and irises, collected by many years of hard work of collectors, are the center of the exhibition. Their flowering coincides with the dates of the exhibition. These flowers most clearly embody the luxury of the Northern garden.
Look at a few more photos from past exhibitions.
And even better-come from June 28 to July 1 at the exhibition “Luxury of the Northern garden”, where you can see live such a fleeting beauty and luxury of Northern flowers.
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