The garden is a platform not only for work but also for rest. And even if you already have a corner where you can be lazy with taste, look at it with a fresh look: perhaps, and here you need a change of scenery.
Rest beautifully!
A Seating area is an essential element of any garden. And if we consider that it is pleasant and useful to relax not only in a comfortable, but also in a beautiful environment, then it becomes clear at once: such “spots” on the map of the suburban area should be elaborately bright and spectacular. Again, periodically changing their design and design, you can transform and the overall picture of the garden. The main thing-the right approach to the task of creating “leisure” places and find the best answers to the most important questions.
Where to build?
And anywhere! After all, the word “site” does not mean that it should be necessarily placed on the plane. Turn on your imagination and come up with non-trivial options! For example, organize a place to relax on the podium or on a cascade of terraces, originally beating the functionality of each of the participating sites.
Organize a place to relax on the podium.
And even at all – “drown”at the lowest point of the site, arranging here multi-layered sofas – “rookeries” with colorful pillows or benches, organized on the retaining wall surrounding this secluded corner.
The circular bench will serve as an original frame for a recessed platform and shelter even the largest company.
Tip: give preference to open areas, they do not visually clutter the area, and look quite elegant. In addition, this object is very easy to decorate, and the decor will be visible from afar.
How to decorate?
Offer is seditious decision to decorate the area with… partitions! So you will be able in one fell swoop solve two problems at once — zoning of the site and however gracefully to arrange the territory.
Left: stylish gabion hide outdoor couch from prying eyes and sunlight.
Right: a graceful stone wall will protect from the wind and clearly define the boundaries of the corner for relaxation, and low Bosket will give freshness on a hot day.
Use for these purposes can be not only independent design (pergolas, stone walls, fences and screens), but also the plants themselves. For example, a hedge of deciduous or coniferous shrubs, and yet — a lush flower garden of variegated perennials, specially selected and planted along the perimeter of the “leisure” corner. The outdoor area surrounded by an emerald lawn or beautiful plants — spectacular coniferous, flowering rose bushes or decorative perennials looks no worse.
For thin nature-oriented Oriental delights, we recommend to arrange instead of one of the “walls” garden of stones or a simple composition of boulders and white gravel dumping. Another unusual option-to fence out a piece of wooden trellis under tall trees, along the walls of the improvised plant vines, and as a mobile roof, take the tent, which can be quickly mounted on the trunks with special hooks or clamps.
What to put under your feet?
The question is not idle. After all, if you are going to spend a lot of time here, regardless of the weather, it is important to create comfortable conditions. What material to choose for creation of “floor” – will prompt your plans for operation of a corner of rest. Ask yourself the most important questions:
- How often and in what capacity do you plan to use the site?
- How active will the movement be here?
- Is the dependence of the angle on weather factors great?
By comparing your answers and our recommendations, you will determine the type of “floor”.
Track of the largest drunk — effective and affordable solution for decoration of garden paths.
The vibratory casting — the material is comfortable and diverse, there are many options of paving tiles of different shapes, colors and textures. This coating creates a smooth surface that does not absorb dust and dirt, and the tiles can be very fancy: without a seam, with a seam, through a step or a fan. An undeniable advantage is a large selection of sizes that allows you to easily perform paving complex shapes, such as curved or oval.
Tip: an interesting site can be made by laying tiles with gaps that can be filled with lawn grass or ground cover perennials.
Cost-effective solution: make the floor of colored tiles and shards, laying them on a concrete pillow with small gaps.
Clinker brick-expensive, but durable material for paving.
Natural stone is suitable for gardens of landscape style. Basically, in the landscape design uses two of its varieties: granite and limestone-Sandstone. When choosing the second, focus on the color: the most durable — gray limestone, followed by green and reddish, and the least durable is yellow, the most porous. It absorbs water well and darkens over time, so it is more logical to use it mainly for facing vertical surfaces, and if you “lay under your feet”, then only hidden under a canopy sites.
Natural stone is suitable for gardens of landscape style
Wooden flooring is another kind of recreation areas. Plus this sex-in its possible diversity, both in form and in texture. It is usually mounted on a metal frame and is assembled from boards, edging, deck or decking, the thickness of 40-50 mm. the Last option is more safe: in the rain feet on this floor will not slip. But there is another problem — longitudinal notches, preventing slipping, collect too much dirt. Therefore, what to choose-benefit or aesthetics-you decide.
Important: to extend the age of the flooring, cover its surface with water-dispersive facade paint. About oil paints forget once and for all: “short-breathed” options “steamed”, and do not protect the wood. If you want to preserve the natural look of wood-use special oils or Textural.
Wooden flooring — another kind of recreation areas
Gravel filling is perhaps the most” high-speed ” way to create a new site.
Gravel filling instead of tiles is a very real option. The main thing – do not forget to lay under the stones dense lutrasil.
For this purpose, the selected section it is necessary to remove the turf along with the soil layer (thickness 15 cm), to lay the geotextile (preferably two layers) and then fill the gravel layer thickness is equal to the excavated soil.
Important: do not be greedy — the economy can go sideways, because if the geotextile layer is too thin, and the gravel is not enough — weeds will easily break through such an unreliable barrier.
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