- Mistake # 1. Be seduced by the dubious grades;
- Advice ;
- Mistake # 2. Not interested in the origin of planting material;
- Mistake # 3. do Not pay attention to the quality of the product;
- Advice ;
- Mistake # 4. Do not comply with the storage conditions;
- Advice ;
- Mistake # 5. Choose the wrong place to land;
- Advice ;
- Mistake # 6. Poorly prepare the landing pit;
- Mistake # 7. Violate landing technology;
- Advice ;
Spring is increasingly active in the country — from South to North, from West to East. The garden season will start very soon. So, it’s time to prepare for the planting of the Queen of flower beds-roses. Let’s look at the main mistakes that growers make in this process. The first appear at the stage of buying seedlings.
Mistake # 1. Be seduced by the dubious grades
The gardener — fascinated by nature and susceptible to all sorts of wonders and exotic. Sometimes this is used by unscrupulous sellers, offering non-existent varieties. In relation to roses, these are instances with blue and black flowers, photos of which are banal colored in photoshop.
Of course, there are so-called “conditional black” and “conditional blue” varieties, but you should understand that these terms mean maroon (“black”) and various shades of light purple, light purple, pink-purple roses, under certain conditions, fading to pale blue tones.
Be realistic and always evaluate advertising offers from the point of view of common sense. Varieties of roses are a great variety, and among them you can choose for every taste. For example, ‘Caprice de Meilland’, changing the hue from rich, with a lilac tint on the outer petals to a more delicate pink in the center and enveloping a unique subtle aroma. Or ‘ Orient Express’, striking contrasting color of flowers of classic shape-creamy yellow in the middle, with a bright crimson border on the edges.
If blue roses still do not give you peace, pay attention to the varieties ‘Novalis’,’Blue Nile’, ‘Shocking Blue’.
Mistake # 2. Not interested in the origin of planting material
Our country is large, and there are many climate zones. Southern seedlings in the season are full of horticultural markets, but often buyers are disappointed: such Pets do not take root well, get sick; it happens that they do not survive the first winter, even carefully covered.
Mistake # 3. do Not pay attention to the quality of the product
A developed root system is the key to high survival rate. In seedlings with an open root system, it can be easily checked. Live roots – on a slice with a light, cream core. Of course, no signs of rotting or mold are allowed.
Ideally, a high-quality rose seedling should have two or three shoots as thick as a finger, strong, inexhaustible, without dark spots, with well-developed buds. Seedlings with an open root system should be without young shoots that have started to grow.
Often the stems of roses are covered with a special paraffin composition. There is nothing wrong with this — on the contrary, this way the manufacturer protects them from excessive moisture evaporation. Try to carefully pick up the nail coating, the quality of the composition should be easily separated from the surface. At the same time you will be able to assess the condition of the bark.
If you are not satisfied with the quality of the seedling purchased in the online store, contact the seller and make a claim. How to do this, and what documents and photos to attach, must be specified on the store’s website.
Mistake # 4. Do not comply with the storage conditions
Many gardeners buy seedlings with an open root system long before planting, because at the height of the season, the most attractive varieties may be sold out, and those that remain will not be of the best quality. But it is not enough to buy — it is important to save them correctly. For this purpose, a dark room with a sufficiently high humidity and a temperature of 0…+2ºC is ideal. Worse-conditions in the refrigerator. It is good if it has a compartment with a temperature of about 0ºC. The main thing is to maintain high humidity, for this you can use regular spraying, wrapping in a damp cloth.
If the seedling still started to grow, it is better not to torment it and transplant it into a container. Suitable containers with a height of 25-30 cm.. You can adapt a dark two-liter plastic bottle by cutting off the top of it. Put the container with the rose on a cool windowsill and do not forget to regularly water and spray. The wax coating can be carefully removed by running the tip of a toothpick over it and touching the corner. It is not necessary to break it off.
Mistake # 5. Choose the wrong place to land
Rose is not called the Queen of flowers for nothing: this person does not want to grow anywhere. It needs a Sunny, dry, protected from cold winds, but with free air circulation. In the shade, most varieties of roses do not bloom or bloom poorly, that is, the whole essence of growing this culture is lost. You can, of course, choose shade-tolerant varieties, but their list is small.
A Sunny location is especially important for roses in cool Northern regions. On the contrary, in the hot southern sun, some varieties can burn out and even “bake”, and a light afternoon shade is necessary for them.
Frequent transplanting for roses is undesirable. It is better to put her in one place — and not bother her any more. Therefore, find the optimal location for it in advance. If you plant several varieties in a group, immediately think about the composition taking into account their size in the adult state, so that you do not move the seedlings later.
Mistake # 6. Poorly prepare the landing pit
The classic recommendation is to make landing pits with a volume of 60x60x60 cm. there is a lot of information about their preparation in the literature, so we will not repeat it. However, if your plot is close to ground water, which rose does not like very much, the best way out is to build raised ridges and hills. Drainage is required! However, in this case, the roots need to provide the same amount of fertile soil-60x60x60 cm.. Roses grow for a long time in one place, so immediately take care of good nutrition. Mineral water or organic — at your discretion, but the filling must be mandatory.
Mistake # 7. Violate landing technology
Bought and just planted — this is not about a rose. A seedling with an open root system is desirable to pre-soak in water for a few hours; you can add root formation stimulants and soft natural fungicides to the solution. The roots must be pruned. All the main roots should have fresh cuts to the living tissue.
It is necessary to remove all broken, dry and damaged branches of diseases-also to live healthy tissue. During spring planting, the shoots are pruned depending on the type of Bush. In tea-hybrid and floribund leaves 2-4 healthy buds on the branch, in wattled-at least 40 cm of shoot length, in Park pruning is minimal. During autumn planting, only sanitary pruning is performed.
Do not forget to bury the root neck and the place of inoculation! The optimal depth is 4-6 cm.. Wattled roses are buried about 10 cm.
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of errors. Rose — culture is special, there are many subtleties in the treatment of it, which can be understood endlessly. But if you once had love with the Queen of the garden, you will not change it, no matter how wayward this Royal person may be. Love is like that!
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