The name of the genius who thought of using the boxes as furniture is gone. But the idea took root, which is not surprising: affordable, fast, original — what you need for comfort in a country house. Even a fragile girl can assemble a wardrobe or a table, but great ideas will not be enough! Just look at what masterpieces can decorate your country home!
Let’s start, perhaps, with the simplest version — a modular Cabinet. The wood of the boxes is not processed, and this has a special chic. Just do not forget to properly sand it to eliminate the risk of splinters on your hands.
Quite a comfortable and functional Desk will consist of 4 drawers and a piece of plywood. Moreover, it will take a minimum of time to make it, as well as skills.
Nowhere to put the TV on? How do you like this option? Cheap and angry: several boxes and beautiful textured boards for the countertop, and it is possible (and even better) that they are not new. Part of an old door or walls of the barn with light scratches and marks of nails is perfect!
Even the old boxes can become a worthy decoration at the front door, and the new ones-a charming bookcase for books and all sorts of cute things that are not necessary, but for the comfort of the house must be necessarily!
We will not ignore the classics-the table. In my opinion, this is a good solution. There is room for appliances and vases with flowers, and so many useful things can be put in boxes, starting with the same plates and spoons and ending with napkins, salt and pepper shakers, toothpicks and so on! Pay attention to the wonderful option of a garden bench for two people, already equipped with a table. I’m tempted to sit down and drink a hot Cup of tea in the fresh air.
Ottomans are so practical that they are made from anything that comes to hand — how could we leave them without attention! I must admit: I like the Ottoman from the box much more than from plastic bottles. On wheels-mobile and good for storage. A bench with a removable pillow is a godsend for some gardening: it is convenient to sort and trim onions and garlic, sort potatoes before storing them, and so on.
The boxes make brilliant racks and flower stands, don’t they? And they are inexpensive, which is also important, especially for those lovers of beauty, who spend every spare penny on new flowers.
For such a grandiose structure as a rack, you will need a lot of boxes and sharpness of actions, so it would be good to first practice, so to speak, on cats. We offer you a simple master class on making a stylish nightstand.
Master class on making a nightstand for flowers
Step 1. We will need a strong box made of good wood. We treat it with vixen soil. It will protect the wood from moisture, allow the paint to lie evenly and reduce its consumption. This stage is mandatory if you want the paint to hold well: the soil improves its adhesion to the surface.
Step 2. After the soil is completely dry, sand the surface with sandpaper.
Step 3. Cover with enamel. Since the surface has hard-to-reach places that are difficult to paint with a regular brush, we will use aerosol enamel. It dries quickly, does not fade in the sun, forms a smooth, durable coating, and has an economical consumption (a couple of layers are enough to paint over the surface). If spray paint is new to you, try this enamel, it does not run off and is easy to apply.
Step 4. After the paint is completely dry (maximum 5 hours), screw the roller furniture wheels with screws.
Step 5. Put a flower on the nightstand, put books inside — and admire your product!
We continue the selection of ideas
And how good these flower boxes are! Perhaps it is difficult to think of a more harmonious combination than the bright living greenery, the tenderness of the petals and natural wood. Just jars of flowers-it’s cute. But they are in a low wooden box — already an exquisite piece of interior, and not only home, but also garden!
Or here are some nice options. The rope is better to take from natural fibers and do not trifle with the thickness.
Very effective and simple in performance flower slides-transformers will help out in case of urgent home decoration — for receiving high-profile guests, for example. Well, or a joy — we are worse than the guests?!
Quickly and easily you can build a bedside table. If you buy beautiful legs and paint the box in the colors of the bedroom, you will get almost a designer interior item.
The drawers are very convenient to store rolled-up towels, baskets with bath accessories and other useful things that no bathroom can do without. If you do not treat the boxes with protective impregnations, the wood from the humid air will eventually acquire an exquisite gray color, which will not spoil the overall appearance of the room. Well, if you like bright colors — everything is in your hands!
Well, if your old city kitchen has safely moved to suburban housing: then the problem of placing dacha plates, pots and pans is solved. If this is not possible, take the usual boxes, paint them in your favorite color and put the dishes in them. Everything in sight? So what! Didn’t you know that sparkling clean dishes are the pride of the hostess?
From the same boxes, you can make containers for storing vegetables and fruits. If you want-in the form of a bookcase on wheels: easy to move while cleaning or rearranging furniture in the kitchen. If you want-on racks: boxes are firmly attached to them with screws at the right angle, so that it is convenient to lay and take out products.
For sure, at the dacha, it will also be useful to have such a charming table-a Breakfast tray, made from an old box with a slight movement of the hand. I think it will be very pleasant to start a new day drinking delicious coffee and contemplating such beauty.
One of the main problems in the nursery is scattered toys. Kids love to play, but putting toys on the shelves-not very. The box is a brilliant solution to the problem! Roomy, durable, comfortable… You can throw a mountain of toys into it in a matter of seconds.
This hallway just fascinated me! In my opinion, this can be safely arranged in a city apartment. And look at how you can place almost the entire dacha wardrobe in several drawers.
Another great idea for the hallway: you can sit on the benches to make it easier to put your shoes on (and their size will allow all family members to do this at the same time), and inside the drawers — put a change of shoes, put clothes brushes and many other things that you deem necessary.
A cat house with several floors is an ideal option, right on the spot. Cats love to climb-go ahead! Sleep at a height-please. Constantly sharpen your claws-as much as you want!
And how do you like such a Cabinet for a barbecue area or a Banquet table? Both models are equipped with wheels, which ensures their mobility, and ease of movement is guaranteed even when loaded.
Many people will think that furniture made of boxes is nonsense. And I like it: it is eco-friendly, beautiful, multifunctional, easy to manufacture, materials are available. With such advantages, it has all the chances to become a furniture hit in the very near future, so keep your finger on the pulse, friends. Do you like this idea of box furniture?
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