In the International garden classification of lilies, section VIII includes interspecies lilies of some modern groups. Let’s meet the most popular members in this section.
Hybrids between Longoflorum and Asiatic are among the most promising and are called LA hybrids. They are unpretentious and stable, with large flowers of various colors. Some varieties have a faint aroma, which, however, does not play a special role, because to feel it, you need to put your nose directly into the flower. But for their hardiness, beauty and high reproduction rate, these lilies can be forgiven for their lack of smell. The diversity of color representatives of this group are due to the “parents” from the section of Asian hybrids.
Unusually powerful, thanks to the dense, “waxy” texture of the petals, look white varieties ‘Saraminda’, ‘Aerobic’ and tall with a delicate speck ‘Combat’.
The ‘Courier’ variety is also white, but is valued for its creamy-greenish, “mayonnaise” hue.
Varieties of the red range – rich, expressive.
‘Birgi’, ‘California’, ‘Fangio’, ‘Narbonne’ create a bright accent in the garden, and planted close to each other fascinate with the game of shades.
The ‘Red Allert’ variety has an unusual “wine” color.
A ‘Tropical Diamond’ pleases with a special Tulip-shaped dark pink with a white throat glasses.
In the group of LA hybrids, there are two-color varieties-such as white-pink ‘Samur’, ‘Showbiz’.
The group of varieties with a thick speck (“tango”) includes: yellow with red speck ‘Suncrest’, white with dark pink ‘Cecil’, with a bright orange-red ‘Kentucky’ and others.
Very elegant and favorite varieties with orange and salmon color: a clean shade with small flecks in the depth of the glass ‘Advantage‘, apricot ’Orange Dazzle’.
Excellent salmon range of varieties ‘Menorca’, ‘Salmon Classic’, ‘Monteleone’.
Varieties of yellow shades are not all loved, and in vain.
The cheerful color of the sun and the blooming meadow will lift your mood if you plant lilies of the varieties ‘Ceb Dazzle’, ‘Ceb Glow’, ’Formoza‘, ’Golden Tucoon‘, ’Lillehammer’ and others.
Powerful, with fragrant flowers OT-hybrids were obtained by crossing Oriental and Trumpet hybrids. They are distinguished by strong stems, high growth (1.0-1.5 m), and funnel-shaped flowers, the size of which sometimes reach 25-30 cm.
Many varieties are two-tone, with a darker contrasting center. For example, similar varieties: yellowish edges and rich red middle in ‘Albany‘, Golden-yellow edge and red middle in ’Shoking‘, wide red smear and yellow-cream edging in ’Red Dutch’. Approximately the same color scheme and ‘Zagorra’, ‘Altar’,’Miss Lily’ and others.
The huge flowers of ‘Holland Beauity’ are magnificent– the red-orange middle of the petal smoothly turns into a pastel yellow border. ‘Red Hot’ – a variety with similar flowers, but not as bright and powerful, with muted, pastel color transitions. Smaller, but more numerous flowers bloom in August.
There is a group of varieties of rich pink color, which is set off by a small light accent in the throat of the funnel-shaped flower. This is ‘Robina’, which has dense, very large flowers of a crimson hue with a white center; and ‘Satisfaction‘ with pink-red petals with a wavy edge and a yellow-greenish throat; and ’Space Mountain‘ with a rich pink flower with a lavender hue and a small yellow throat; and ’Visaversa‘ with a large pink flower with a small green accent in the depth; and an exquisite salmon-coral ’Gluhwein’.
Very beautiful varieties of white, white-yellow and yellow scales. Among the whites – ‘Allysee’, ‘Cocossa’, ‘Hacienda’. Among the yellows – ‘Conca d’ Or’ with huge fragrant, looking to the sides and slightly down lemon-yellow flowers with a white border on the edge; and similar to it, but earlier flowering period, the variety ‘Manissa’ with yellow, turning into a white edge, looking up flowers; and ‘Cherbourg’ with large vanilla-cream flowers with a yellow center with a beautiful aroma and petals with a slightly wavy edge; and ‘Palmares’ with large fragrant flowers of yellow color that thickens from the edges to the Middle; and early ‘Yelloween’ with yellow-cream flowers.
There are varieties with a delicate, watercolor iridescent color. ‘Urandy’-a white-pink flower with a yellow base eventually loses its pink color and turns into white with a light Golden middle. ‘Boogy Woogy’ – white and yellow with a pink border turns cream-pink in a few days.
The apricot-salmon range is loved by almost all flower growers. Good ‘Eudoxia’ with apricot, not too large flowers, and ‘Orania’ with a delicious smell and small flowers of creamy peach fascinating color (recently opened buds as if highlighted with pink, over time, the yellow tones become more noticeable), and ’Avocado’ with large orange-peach flowers.
And of course, it is impossible not to mention the varieties whose flowers are decorated with stripes. In the ‘Purple King’ variety, each petal is bright pink with a purple stripe in the middle. Cream-white flowers ’Nimph’ brightness is given by pink-red stripes. On the white petals of ‘Bonbini’ – the original yellow strokes, edged with a pinkish stripe.
Lilies of this group are unpretentious and require much less care than, for example, Orientals. Because of the thick stems, huge flowers and high growth, many varieties during flowering become a powerful dominant in flower beds – this should be taken into account when planting bulbs. Varieties are hardy, winter-hardy, reproduce well, have a wonderful strong smell. The fragrance of just one plant can fill the entire garden!
OT-hybrids thrive in Sunny places. Despite frequent advice to plant lilies in acidic soil suitable for Orientals, the experience of many flower growers shows that this is not necessary for OT-hybrids. They look like well-cultivated garden soil without any special frills. The main thing is a light drained place.
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