In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

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LO hybrids were obtained from Longiflorum and Oriental hybrids. Varieties with a very pleasant aroma and funnel-shaped flowers are well propagated by division, perfectly tolerate the climate of the middle zone. Unfortunately, like many other hybrids, they suffer from fungal diseases.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

I will name several varieties. ‘Pink Heaven’ is a powerful plant with huge tubular pink fragrant flowers. ‘Prince Promise’ – elegant flowers with a pink center, the color to the edges of the petals smoothly turns white.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

Slightly different from it ‘Quween Promice’ relatively uniform pink color. The height and timing of flowering of both plants are approximately the same.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

Quite common and deservedly loved by all hardy and not troublesome ‘Triumphator’ – tall with delicate, like porcelain, white flowers with a pink-lilac throat.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

‘Sea Treasure’ blooms in late July and August, producing white flowers with a thin pink stripe in the middle of each petal.


It is impossible not to mention the complex LOO-hybrids, which differ in huge flowers and a wonderful aroma. The color scheme is not rich, but the splendor of these lilies is not in doubt. Here are only five varieties, but what!

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

‘Bright Brilliant’, ‘Polar’ with snow-white wide-open flowers the size of a small soup plate.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

‘Eagle’ with a light pink dot that gives the white flowers a special charm; ‘Nuance’ with white with pink dots and a light pink smear in the middle of the petals.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

‘Pink Brilliant’ with a huge pink flower with a brighter stripe in the middle and a small white border.


Finally, OA-hybrids are a new group derived from crossing Asiatic and Oriental hybrids. Its representatives are distinguished by winter hardiness, unpretentiousness and beauty of silky flowers.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

The ‘First Crown’ variety has large flowers with a dark red center, the color passes through an orange hue with a contrasting speck to a Golden-yellow border, the petals are longitudinally corrugated.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

The ‘Fancy Crown’ has red petals with a dark smear in the middle and a yellow border.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

The ‘Fuego Crown’ has an orange iridescent flower with a yellow throat and red accents.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

‘Sunny Crown’ has light yellow flowers with a contrasting crimson-red smear and bright speckles. The ‘Elegant Crown’ has rich pink flowers with a white throat and white border.

OA hybrids develop well in a Sunny place, but they also tolerate partial shade, and need treated, drained soil. They are resistant to diseases.

In my garden, all the lilies get standard fertilizing in standard time. Twice at the beginning of the summer season with an interval of 2 weeks – nitrogen fertilizers, then-full complex fertilizer twice — in June and July. In the year of planting, I feed the plants only once – with superphosphate at the end of summer.

Overgrown nests of lilies are dug out, divided and planted in a new place with fresh soil every four years. This rule applies to all groups, except the capricious Martagon Hybrids, which do not like transplanting and stop blooming for several years if disturbed.

The Martagon Hybrids

Decorative, durable, almost not susceptible to fungal diseases, frost-resistant. Flower growers have very few flowers because of their fastidiousness, slow reproduction and development, and it is a pity – they are very beautiful. Example-varieties of selection: ‘Lilit’ – an unusually beautiful shade, tall, with a pleasant strong smell, snow-white ‘Lunnik’, honey-Golden variety ‘Bee’.

In The Kingdom Of Lilies: Features Of Interspecific Hybrids (Part 2)

Plants of this group prefer shady and semi-shaded places, loose, moist, organic-rich soil, deep planting of bulbs.

Every year there are more and more hybrids. LP and AA hybrids have already been created. LFL and Martasian hybrids were obtained… What else have hybridizers and breeders prepared for us? Let’s wait and see!

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