Oleanders For Garden And Home: An Overview Of The Best Varieties

Oleanders, strewn with flowers of various colors in the heat, have long been a symbol of an unforgettable wonderful holiday. Perhaps only Lagerstroemia and Hibiscus syriacus, blooming at the same time, will dare to challenge the palm of this beautiful evergreen shrub. Oleanders, strewn with hundreds of flowers that look […]

Perennial Flowers That Are Best Propagated Vegetatively

Today we have an interesting botanical topic with you, which is of great practical importance for amateur gardeners. We will talk about flower plants that exclusively and predominantly propagate vegetatively. Some flower perennials are simply not able to tie seeds for various reasons. Let ‘s list the main ones: the […]

Long-Flowering Perennials For Flower Beds In The Sun And In The Shade

Herbaceous perennials, blooming for several months, from year to year determine the image of garden beds. And if they are also unpretentious, then this is a real godsend for those summer residents who come to their sites by collisions. Without bothering with new plantings and painstaking care, you can admire […]