Floating Gardens And Vegetable Gardens: How To Farm In Unusual Conditions

Agriculture, like everything else, has its own history. It is quite long: perhaps this is the most ancient branch — historians count almost 12 millennia. In one of the previous publications, we considered slash-and-burn agriculture. And in this article I propose to get acquainted with the chinamp technology — the […]

Perennials With Beautiful Leaves: Where To Plant Them And How To Care For Them (Part 1)

The hits of the spring-summer and summer-autumn garden are deservedly considered flowers. However, their beauty is fleeting, and not all of them look as amazing after the “ball” as during it. The real heroes of the garden season are modest, inconspicuous and unpretentious workers: they create a background for blooming […]

Perennials With Beautiful Leaves: Where To Plant Them And How To Care For Them (Part 2)

3. Festuca. Miss “Pretty Bump” If there was such a nomination in the landscape world, it would undoubtedly go to Festuca. Charming “fuzzies” with dense and dense, very neat and always elegant flowerbeds-spheres of narrow needle-shaped leaves, despite their compact size, are gaining more and more popularity today. During flowering, […]